The Plan?! Part 2 - Lyra's and Hera's P.O.V

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"Kanan?!" I ask through our bound waiting for a response. The man's eyes flash to Jabba as the man in the clone helmet speaks.

"How much for this Twi'lek here?" He asks his voice deep, hard kinda like Zeb's but I know it's not him. This man is only a little bit taller than I am wearing black pants brown combat boots with Tatooine dirt in every crease and a trooper armor top but white painted red.

"Its okay." I hear Kanan say and my heart jumps in my chest. I shift where I sit making the chains connected to my left arm jingle. Kanan looks at my arm and his eyes snap up to me anger making his eyes sharp. I shake my head side to side the smallest of a fraction hoping he'll listen to me. Jabba starts to speak and I understand. Being in the streets was usual being able to steal books, datapades and listen in on a class if the class room window is open.

"35 for the young Twi'lek. A great addition to my stuff she will be." He says in huttess. I shift a little then feel him messing with my hair in the back of my head. I look up at him and see him looking at me with a wide grin. I give a small forced smile then look back at Kanan and the person with him. I try to use the force to see who they are but I can't.

"The honorable Jabba says 35 credits. No more but he of course will do less." The man says looking at the one next to Kanan.

"You have a deal." He says and I feel Jabba shift. I look up at him and I feel his hand stop playing with my hair and land on my shoulder.

"You are restless dear. Show our new friend your shared quarters." Jabba says and I smile.

"Of course sir." I say and I feel the chains around my wrists and left ankle fall away. I slowly and carefully get up and walk up to Hera.

"Please come with me." I say and I lead her down the halls to my room. Others send us glares but others smirk knowing I am no longer Jabba's lap girl and will no longer get his attention... But Hera will. When we reach my room I open the door and walk in Hera behind me. Once the door closes I spin around and through my arms around her and break into tears.

"Oh Lyra. Sweetie it's okay we're going to get you outta here. Tonight." She says and I calm down.

"I'm... I'm sorry I've just been very emotional lately." I admit. I look down at my stomach and see that it has stretched out a lot since I showed up.

"Are they okay?" Hera asks me and as if on cue I feel one of them kick. I place my hand on Hera's and pull hers to my stomach. One of them kicks again and I smile as Hera gasps and starts to laugh tears leaving her eyes. "Oh sweetie." Hera whispers.

"I... I guess that's your answer." I say laughing.

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