Chapter 18 - Whispers of the Masked

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The cursed land known as Grave's Hollow was one of the most desolate and forsaken void zones, a place where time itself seemed to stand still under the grip of eternal dusk. The trees here stood twisted and gnarled, their branches reaching toward the sky like skeletal fingers. A chilling wind swept through the barren landscape, carrying with it the faint whispers of long-forgotten souls.

At the heart of Grave's Hollow, within one of the blackened caves, Slenderman sat in silence, his body slumped against the cold stone. His elongated fingers brushed lightly over the stump where his arm used to be. His pale, expressionless face, though seemingly emotionless, burned with silent rage. The battle against Dante still echoed in his mind, the humiliation of underestimating the so-called Grim Reaper festering in his twisted thoughts.

"Curse that wretched hunter..." Slenderman hissed under his breath, his voice a low, inhuman rasp. His missing arm pulsed with dark energy as he attempted to regenerate it. Despite his strength, even Slenderman found it difficult to recover after facing Dante. That hunter, he thought, too fast, too precise...

The void within the cave stirred, a ripple of energy that was familiar, almost comforting. Slenderman straightened, his featureless face turning toward the mouth of the cave.

Two figures stepped into view, their movements graceful, almost ethereal. They were both draped in cream-colored cloaks and hooded robes, their faces hidden behind the iconic masks. Each mask was unique, one bearing the number "10" and the other "11." The figures moved in unison, their steps silent as if the ground itself yielded to them.

"Still nursing your wounds, Slenderman?" Number 10 asked, his voice smooth and lighthearted, but carrying an undertone of menace.

"I don't need your pity," Slenderman growled, his eyes narrowing on the pair. "I underestimated that hunter...but it won't happen again."

Number 10 chuckled, a hollow sound that echoed in the cave. "That's the problem with underestimating the Sanctuary's finest, my friend. You never know when you'll run into someone like Dante. But lucky for you, I've got something that might help."

He stepped forward, raising a hand over Slenderman's severed arm. Dark energy pulsed from his palm, swirling like a cloud of void smoke. Slowly, Slenderman's arm began to reform, the twisted mass of void energy knitting itself back together into flesh. In moments, his arm was whole again.

"You and your tricks, Number 10..." Slenderman flexed his newly healed arm, testing the strength.

"Just a little gift from the void," Number 10 said with a casual wave. "I wouldn't want you to be at anything less than full strength when we finally carry out our plan."

"And what plan would that be?" Slenderman leaned forward, his tone skeptical. "You speak of the Hollow Mother, yet we are no closer to unleashing her true power."

"Patience," Number 11 interjected, her voice soft but commanding. She stood beside Number 10, her hood low over her face. "The Sanctuary is already beginning to unravel. Our seeds are planted, and their trust is fragile. It won't be long before the cracks begin to show."

"And in the meantime," Number 10 added, a sly grin evident even behind his mask, "we've recruited some new blood."

At his words, the void within the cave shifted once more, and two more figures emerged from the darkness. Both wore the same cream-colored cloaks, but their masks bore different numbers. One was a tall male with the number "9" etched into his mask, while the other was a female, her mask bearing the number "0."

Slenderman tilted his head slightly, his curiosity piqued. "And who might these be?"

"New comrades," Number 10 replied smoothly. "Number 9 and Number 0. Let's just say their talents will come in handy."

Number 9 stepped forward, his presence radiating an aura of raw, untapped power. "I live to serve the void," he said in a deep, steady voice.

Number 0 remained silent, but her presence was equally imposing. She stood at Number 9's side, her eyes never leaving Slenderman as she assessed him with cold precision.

Slenderman let out a low, rasping laugh. "You really are a devil, aren't you, Number 10? Collecting lost souls to serve your cause. What did you promise them? Power? Salvation?"

Number 10 merely smiled behind his mask. "The void offers them everything they desire...and more. They serve the will of the Hollow Mother now."

"Hmph," Slenderman muttered. "You and your Hollow Mother. I still wonder how long you'll play this game before the Sanctuary catches on."

"The Sanctuary is blind," Number 11 said, stepping forward. "Their faith in their Hunters and Dolls blinds them to the truth. And the truth is that we are already inside their walls."

"Indeed," Number 10 added, his tone becoming more serious. "The Hollow Mother's will is absolute. Soon, the Sanctuary will fall, and those who once hunted the void will become its slaves. But we must take things slowly. The time is not yet right."

Slenderman narrowed his eyes. "And how long until they figure out your little scheme?"

Number 10 laughed softly, waving a hand dismissively. "Who knows? A year? Maybe two? But by the time they realize the truth, it will already be too late."

Before Slenderman could respond, Number 11 stiffened, placing a hand to her ear as if listening to something only she could hear. Her body went rigid, and her head snapped toward Number 10.

"We need to return to the Sanctuary," she said in a hushed, urgent tone. "The Guild Master has summoned us."

Number 10's casual demeanor shifted, a hint of seriousness flickering in his eyes. "Well then, it seems our time here is up. We mustn't keep our dear Guild Master waiting."

As they prepared to leave, Slenderman let out a low chuckle. "How long do you think you can keep this ruse going? The Sanctuary is full of powerful Hunters. They will see through your lies eventually."

Number 10 turned toward Slenderman, his smile hidden behind the mask. "Maybe...but by then, it won't matter."

With that, the four masked figures turned and disappeared into the swirling void, leaving Slenderman alone in the cave, his newly healed arm flexing as he stared into the abyss.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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