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As the snow fell softly, a woman knelt before a massive stone, her hands pressing firmly against its cold surface. Her lips moved in an ancient, rhythmic chant, words swallowed by the wintry wind. Once the incantation was complete, she turned her gaze toward Aroen, her eyes gleaming with an eerie light. "Hand over your hand," she whispered. Aroen hesitated but extended his palm toward her.

Without warning, the woman drew a dagger from her cloak, its blade gleaming faintly in the dull light of the overcast sky. In one swift motion, she pierced the blade into Aroen's hand. Blood welled from the wound, dripping onto the stone. As the first drop of blood touched its surface, the stone shimmered. The snow that blanketed the stone mixed with the blood, and in a moment, the entire stone turned to solid ice.

                                     THE HOUSE OF DRAGON

                              THE FIRST AGE OF TARGARYEN

"This is Tharion, one of Grandmother's dragons," Raehan said softly, her eyes glimmering with excitement as she held the book in her lap. "This dragon fought fiercely and spit fire during the War of the Dead." Her gaze shifted from the page to the dragon egg resting nearby, nestled in warmth.

Baella, her cousin, leaned in, a playful grin spreading across her face. "Maybe you should name your dragon Tharion when it hatches," she suggested, her voice full of excitement. "Then, we'll be off flying across the vast lands together."

The two girls chuckled, their imaginations running wild as they daydreamed of soaring through the skies, free from the weight of their responsibilities. The late hour seemed forgotten as their conversation continued, weaving dreams of adventure far from the confines of their beds.

Just then, the door creaked open, and Maelein, Baella's mother, entered the room. Baella jumped up and ran to her, calling out, "Mother!"

Maelein smiled down at her daughter before shifting her gaze to Raehan, her expression softening with a hint of reproach. "You're supposed to be in bed at this late hour," she said gently, though her eyes quickly spotted the book in Raehan's hands. "And it's not time for reading stories either."

With a swift but kind motion, Maelein took the book from Raehan. "Now, off to bed, both of you," she added, her tone firm but loving.

The girls sighed, exchanging one last mischievous glance before climbing into their beds. Maelein tucked them in, casting a fond look over them as she left the room, closing the door behind her, leaving only the faint glow of the embers warming the dragon egg nearby.

 Maelein tucked them in, casting a fond look over them as she left the room, closing the door behind her, leaving only the faint glow of the embers warming the dragon egg nearby

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The icy wind howled across the frozen expanse, carrying with it the distant groans of heavy machinery and the deep, low grunts of mammoths straining against their burdens. The great wall of ice loomed high above, a monolith of frozen power, where workers toiled day and night, their breath misting in the air as they labored to build the wall that would protect them from the encroaching darkness.