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Quinn could finally feel the warmth coming through her window. She’d slept in this morning. Those long hours of driving and competing had just taken it out of her. Then Maddie crossed her mind. A sadness instantly fell over her as she lay there looking up at her cabin’s ceiling. Maddie had basically shut her out since she’d kissed her back in Morgantown. The 6-hour drive back had been awkward, and Maddie clearly didn’t want to talk about it. Quinn shook her head, rolling over in her bed. She needed to get up, knowing her body wanted to stretch, but she just didn’t want to face any questions about them or the weekend. She closed her eyes. No, she just wanted to sleep.
Amy was standing at the kitchen window drying the morning dishes. She hadn’t seen Maddie or Quinnlee this morning, yet she’d messaged them both that there was some breakfast here. Noah dropped his coffee cup in the sink next to her, noticing the concerned look on her face.
“It’s unusual for Quinn not to be up yet.”
“mm.” Amy picked up another dish. “There is no sign of Maddie either.”
“Hmm.” He looked out towards the path that led towards their homes. He shrugged. “Maybe they just want some time alone together. Or apart. I’m surprised they didn’t kill each other, to be honest. They couldn’t go a day without clashing somehow when we were kids. Ha.” He laughed to himself. “I wouldn’t be surprised if they were actually avoiding each other. I’ll check on them a little later. Right now, though,” he said, turning his wife around and wrapping his arms around her hips.
“My father is in the lounge watching TV, and uncle is napping. Kylie is still at her sleepover, so.” He moved into her. “Wanna join me upstairs for a shower?”
“Now?” Amy laughed, surprised at her husband’s early morning request.
“Why not? We have the whole upstairs to ourselves.”
“Okay,” Amy nodded, seeing the play in her usually boring husband’s eyes. “I’ll meet you up there.”
“You will.” He gave her a quick, passionate kiss before heading upstairs. Smiling, Amy took one last look down the path before heading upstairs.

“Are you sure you can meet the deadline on those?” Maddie clicked into her schedule, making a note. She could hear Tony tapping his pen on the desk.
“If I shoot into town to the printers, then yes, we should be good.”
Tony sat back in his chair a moment. He was actually enjoying this working-from-home stuff, but it was pretty cramped with all his equipment in his office.
“So, how did the Timbersports thing go on the weekend? Did your star pupil take away the gold?” Maddie heard the amusement in his voice.
“She did, actually. She’s through to the main event in about 6 weeks.”
“Really? Wow! So…has you’re hot lesbian lumberjill got herself a fan base yet? What’s her handle?” Maddie sat back in her chair.
The thought of anything more to do with Quinnlee at the moment just gave her a headache.
“Have you even thought about a social media platform? You want me to send you the template?” Maddie sighed and got up, taking her headset with her.
“To be honest, I need a break from this project for a minute.” She rubbed her forehead, walking outside for some fresh air. “If I send you some links, would you mind doing up a draft copy. I just…”. Tony had worked with Madeline Campbell at her studio for the last 5 years. He knew she dealt with bouts of depression and anxiety. Working from home wasn’t going to change that. He sat forward in his chair.
“You wanna talk about it?”
“Ha,” She turned around, leaning on her railing. If only it was that easy. “I think I’ve met someone that…” She paused. “ I need a good shag, I think.” Tony laughed.
“Have you heard from Mark?”
“No,” She turned around, taking in her view. “I left him for this freedom, remember.” She caught Quinn walking out onto her deck, still in her bedwear, taking in the same views she had. She quickly turned around, hoping to avoid her. She stepped back in her doorway.

Quinn stood there, knowing Maddie had just seen her. She shook her head, not believing she was still avoiding her. “Fine!” She headed back inside, heading to her shower. She was going to get herself up and go up to the house. She had other people to see.

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