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“I think I’ve found something that will suit us and be cheap enough for the whole weekend.”
Maddie looked up from her laptop on the dining room table. With Amy gone for a few weeks, she was going to have to work from the main house. Quinn walked through from the lounge with Maddie’s tablet. The Champs were next weekend, and they were running out of time to book accommodation.
“As much as I would love to spend the whole weekend with you in Milwaukee, we have the brothers to consider now.”
“I know.” Quinn stopped behind her, leaning over her chair. “But Noah and Annie can handle them for a weekend. So you and I can,” Maddie felt her lips brush up her neck. Her eyes instantly looked for movement from the lounge where the brothers were watching television. She smiled.
“Tempting, but no.”
“Tempting, but yes. We’ll be out of state, so,” Quinn looked up at Maddie’s screen in front of them. “Hold it!” She leaned over her shoulder, tapping on an image she could see in the corner.
“Is that?” Maddie pursed her lips as the sexy image of Quinn expanded on her screen.
“Um,” Quinn leaned into her as Maddie chuckled. “I’m going to sell that as desktop wallpaper.”
“You are not! That better not be going on the internet, Mad, that’s,” Quinn shook her head, pinching her arm. “For your eyes only.”
“Ouch! Hmm, don’t worry, that is in my personal folder. These are the ones I’m using.” A group of images popped up on her screen. “And this one has already sold us ten polo shirts and four caps. Plus this one and this one, six hoodies.”
“Really? Nice!” Quinn hugged her shoulders from the back. “So something good did come out of our little private photo shoot.”
“Of course it did!” Maddie looked over her shoulder up at her. This was the closest they’d been since...she smiled at her lips, getting a lip bite in return. “So,” she turned back to her screen. “We should be able to afford our petrol, plus accommodation, no sweat.”
“So then, I can book us a king-size bed for Friday, Saturday and Sunday night?” Quinn caught her eyes on her as she moved around the table, tapping on the tablet.
“I know,” She looked back at her, disappointed, but at least she tried. “just the two nights. And separate beds. It might become our thing you taking advantage of me on a single bed. Nowhere to go, can’t move. Mmm, gets me hot just thinking about it.”
“What does?” Quinn’s eyes widened, Annie’s voice hitting her ears as she entered the kitchen behind her. Maddie laughed seeing her jump a little, being caught with what she saying. Her eyes met Annie’s; she was pretty sure she didn’t actually hear the rest of the conversation.
“Quinn is excited to get to German Fest next week. She’s getting a bit anxious.”
“Yeah, I bet.” Annie grabbed a handful of fruit from the bowl. “bummer, I haven’t been to Milwaukee, and the festival sounds fun. Noah better be back by then, I can’t look after these guys all by myself.” Quinn’s eyes met Maddie’s.
“It’s alright, Annie; we’ll only be gone a couple of nights and be straight back.” Her lips pursed into a smile as she waved the tablet. “And speaking of, I better get this booked.”

Maddie had taken the couple of minutes walk along the scenic drive to the letterbox on their road. The mail usually came about 10 am, so this late morning stroll was good timing. Carrying the package back addressed to Quinn, she had a fair idea what it was. She found her outside the woodshed, setting up for a practice run.
“Hi.” Quinn looked up, taking the safety cover off her axe. Maddie waved the package. “For me?”
“Yip,” She handed it over. “I think it’s your official competitor shirt.”
“Hmm,” Quinn looked over at her as she ripped it open. “And I suppose you are taking this from me to put your mark on it again?”
“Ahhah.” Quinn held it out. The official Stihl Timbersports logo was proud on the sleeves. Maddie couldn’t help but catch Quinn’s overwhelmed, dimpled smile.
“It’s really happening, isn’t it,” Quinn whispered, biting her lip gently. “Like this is,” She felt the material in her hands. She suddenly let out a chest-heavy breath. Maddie reached out, knowing how much this was meant to her.
“You’ve got this, babe, and dads proud of you already. We’re all supporting you 100 per cent.” Pursing her lips, she nodded, handing her back the shirt.
“I know, thanks.” As Maddie shoved the shirt back in the package, Quinn didn’t seem as focused as usual.
“Everything alright?” Quinn walked around her log, her eyes coming up to meet hers. She shrugged.
“It’s probably nothing but Amy. She knows we’ve been fooling around.”
“And?” Maddie shrugged, leaning against the woodpile. “She knows about us.”
“Yeah, I know,” Quinn cleared her throat.
“She wanted me to go with her to London.” Maddie’s eyebrow rose before they knitted.
“Excuse me?” She crossed her arms, the reaction Quinn expected from her. Quinn’s shoulder dropped as she rubbed her face.
“The last little while, hers and mine relationship has felt,” Maddie’s eyes were on her, and she didn’t want to say this wrong. “I’m not sure how happy they are, Mad. I’m not saying she has a thing for me, just she made me feel uncomfortable suggesting I go with her.” She sighed, meeting her eyes. “I just don’t want anything coming back on me. Noah has already accused me of hitting on his wife. If she doesn’t come back?”
“You don’t think she will?” Quinn shrugged.
“I don’t know, but I think I need to talk with her if she does.” Maddie’s eyes trailed over her momentarily as Quinn waited for her to respond. She knew something was coming. Maddie turned on her foot.
“Teach you for flirting with her all this time. You should have got your shag in before she left.”
“Nope! Don’t want to know!”
“ahh!” Quinn mentally kicked herself. She should have just stayed quiet. Deciding she’d had enough, she slipped her axe guard back on just as the cell phone rang.
“Hi, is this Quinnlee Mitchell?”
“Yeah, speaking.”
“Hi, Quinnlee; it’s Kimberly from the medical centre. I have a request from a law firm in Los Angeles for you to provide a blood sample for their records. Can you pop down sometime today, and we can get that sent off for you.” Quinn looked down the track Maddie had headed.
“Ahh, sure, I can come down soon.”
“That would be great. Oh, and I see a Madeline Campbell is also on this request. Is she still at the same address as you? I noticed it on the records.” Quinn started packing her stuff away.
“Yeah, she is.”
“Oh great, I will ring the attached number shortly. Thanks, Quinnlee, and we will see you shortly.”
“A bloody sample?” Maddie looked up just as Quinn walked in the door at the homestead.
“Yes, ma’am. I have Miss Quinnlee Mitchell also on this request. She is coming to the centre shortly if you wish to also attend.”
“Ah, sure.” Maddie scratched her head, her eyes on Quinn trying to explain. “I guess I will see you shortly.”
“Thank you for that, okay bye bye.”
“What’s this?” Annie couldn’t help but overhear the phone call. Quinn cleared her throat as Maddie hung up the phone.
“It will be for Kayla’s inquest into whether we are related or not.”
“Ohh, right. So, we’re going to see if you’re a Campbell?”
“Yip.” Quinn’s eyes met Maddie, seeing the dread in her features.
“Well, I’m coming.” Annie picked up her keys. “The old boys are next door. I’m sure they are alright there till we get back.” As she picked up the phone to ring the neighbour, Maddie stopped beside Quinn, her hand guiding down her arm.
“Couldn’t hurt. I mean, we could just be cousins. At least if Annie gets checked.” She shrugged. Quinn glanced over at the youngest Campbell cousin; there was a possibility she could be her sister, too.
“Okay.” Quinn nodded, meeting her eyes. “Let’s do this.”
“The boys are fine, let’s go.” As they locked up the house, Noah drove down the driveway. “Oh, good timing!” Annie jumped in his back seat as Maddie and Quinn went to the other doors.
“What’s...” He looked at them, confused.
“We’re giving blood so Quinn can get a DNA test.”
“Now?” Noah looked at the time. He’d just driven back from the city.
“Yes, let’s go.”
“Okay, okay!” He reversed around, driving back down the driveway.

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