Twenty Seven

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It has been no lie when Maddie said she was in for an intense day. Quinn had met Kerran again for round two of the Jill And Jill buck. They had managed a close 12.34, but Sandy and Molly still held the lead.
“What’s next?” Maddie asked, swinging her camera around to her back. Quinn was handing her her bottle of ginger beer.
“Um, the underhand. Shit.” She exhaled, turning into her. Maddie caught the concern in her eyes. “This is harder than the Timbersports circuit. These guys are not playing games.”
“We’re up, Mitchell.” She heard her name from behind, seeing Molly heading up to the platform.
“Hey,” Maddie touched her arm, drawing her attention back. “You only have to make the semis; you can go hard for placement tomorrow. Don’t worry, you’ve got this.” Giving her a nod, Quinn followed the other competitors up as Maddie returned to her position opposite the platform. Quinn looked beside her, seeing Molly, Sandy, Patricia and the two rookies on the other side.
“Great.” She blew out a breath, trying to shake off her nerves. This was definitely going to be a race.
“Competitors ready!” They all snuck a look at each other. “Three, two, one, go!”
Six axes rose in the air, and the tat, tat, tat of metal hitting wood echoed through the bowl arena. Chips of wood started flying across the platform. The swings on Quinn’s left side were shaking the stand below her. She caught the movement out of the corner of her eye as Sandy, Molly and Patricia turned like clockwork. Quinn swung deep, quickly turning seconds behind them. She heard herself get in sync with Molly beside her. She dove deep, swinging in rhythm until she felt her log give.
Pushing with her foot the last cut connected, she stepped back onto the platform a millisecond before Molly. The cheers went up as the times flashed up on the board. Patricia just piped Sandy with Quinn followed by Molly a breath behind.
“Shit.” Patricia indicated to Sandy noticing Quinn’s time above Molly’s. “Looks like Quinn’s finally tapped into that Mitchell blood of hers.”
“I reckon.”
Quinn smiled, hearing the complement. She straightened up.
“Game on, ladies. Game on.”

“I told you to grab that park back there. See, it was closer.”
“Oh, shish already.” Noah chucked his ‘Quinn’ cap on his head, tucking the rental car keys in his pockets. “I need to get a hold of  Maddie. Let her know we are here.” Amy slapped her sun hat on, her oversized sunglasses covering her eyes.
“I’ll ring Annie, check on the brothers.”
“Good idea.”

“There she is!”
“My sister! Quinnlee!” Quinn turned around, hearing her name. She blinked a couple of times before realising it was Chloe.
“Chloe?” She leaned down, giving her a hug. She held her back. “What?” Her eyes skimped over her friend. “What are you doing here?”
“Road trip!” Her eyes sparkled. “I ah,” She glanced at her friend. “Knew you were here this weekend, and Tegan here is a big fan.”
“So, yeah,” She shrugged, kind of nervous now she was here. Quinn picked up on the slight blush coming to her cheeks. She relaxed, dropping her arm over her little sister’s shoulder.
“So, you’re a fan, huh?”
“Ah, yeah.” Tegan nodded. Quinn took in her more tomboyish demeanour. Her sister was definitely more of a princess.
“So, you from Canada too?”
“No.” The girls said in unison. “We, um, we just met up this morning; she picked me up at the airport.”
“Yeah, I’m over from Colorado.”
“Right.” Quinn nodded, not liking this. “Excuse us a second.”
“Ah, sure.” Quinnlee spun her sister around.
“What are you doing meeting random girls from places like this? Do you even know her?” Chloe’s lip pursed a moment, and she shrugged.
“I met her a couple of weeks ago on your socials. She likes you so...” She met Quinn’s annoyed expression.
“You can’t use me to...” She glanced over her shoulder at this Tegan girl. “Pick up, girls.”
“Oh, I’m not...” Chloe met Quinn’s realistic stare. “Okay, fine! But,” Chloe looked over her shoulder. “She’s pretty, though, right?” Quinn sighed, giving her a squeeze.
“Where are you staying?”
“We hadn’t really...” Quinn shook her head. Was she really that bad herself as a teenager?
“Give me your phone.” Chloe handed it over. “Does your mother know where you are?”
“Quinn, I’m like an adult.”
“Sorry, I know.” She shrugged and dialled her own number. “I’m new to this big sister thing. I’m just looking out for you, okay.” She handed back her phone. “I will find you some accommodation if I can, alright. It’s pretty booked out, but I’ll try.”
“And a restaurant so I can spoil her rotten?”
“We’ll see.”
Maddie noticed her cousin Noah’s familiar form wandering through the crowd. Amy’s fabulous English wide-brimmed sun hat following behind. She hadn’t told Quinn Noah was coming. She had also paid for Annie, but she’d decided she was okay with the brothers, and Amy and Noah deserved the break away together. Noah spotted her and waved.
“Oh, brother.” She rolled her eyes. He had never been cool, but at least he could acknowledge her more manly.
“We made it!” He smiled, putting down his day bag, ready to settle into their day out.
“Where’s Quinn?” Amy looked around before taking a seat.
“She’s just competed in the underhand. She’s somewhere. She has the standing block coming up in a few minutes.”
“Oh good!” Amy took her seat. “I haven’t seen her in action for ages.” She took her handed wine. “So I’m looking forward to this.”

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