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Quinn looked over Amy’s shoulder as she checked out the plack she had won.
“This is pretty cool, Quinn.” She handed it back. “You’ll have to find a place to display all your trophies ‘cause I’m pretty sure there will be more coming.”
“You think?” She felt the weight of it in her hand. Her name was across it in burnt black. It was pretty cool. “I didn’t realise how competitive I am, but my times were good.” She put it down on the bench, reaching for one of Amy’s cookies. “I already have qualified for the regional if I want to go.”
“And you’re going, right?” Quinn shuffled her feet a little. She knew her uncle wanted her to do this Lumberjack circuit, and the old boys would, too. But she had the homestead to help out at, and Charlie and William to be here for, and the Campbell cousins. It was just a little overwhelming the thought of it at the moment. She stood up. “We’ll see. It’s not for a month or so yet, so I’ll see how it pans out.”
Amy watched her a moment. It had been subtle, but there had been a slight change in how this usually reserved woman carried herself in the last couple of weeks. Then she remembered the M necklace she, too, had noticed her wearing at the event over the weekend. “So,” She leant over the counter to finger the collar of Quinn’s jersey. “Something I should know?” Quinn paused for a moment, confused, then she realised.
“Have I still got it on?”
“Mmhmm.” Amy’s eyebrow rose as Quinn reached behind her neck, unclasping the chain; a slight blush came to her cheeks. She could see the gleam in Amy’s eyes, waiting for her to tell her it was for Maddie.
“Hmm.” Quinn smiled to herself, feeling it in her hands. “It’s nothing. It just gave me a bit of luck on the weekend.”
“Luck haa?” Amy teased. She’d seen the way Quinn had reacted to Maddie at the event. She pursed her lips a second. “Does it stand for anyone in particular?” Their eyes met a moment before Quinn stood up, breaking the silence.
“I brought it when Maddie was here for Belinda’s funeral. Then we had our moment, and I just couldn’t give it to her.” She waved her hand, knowing Amy knew what event she was referring to. “I needed something to push me just that bit harder to compete, and being mad at Maddie just seemed to fire me up enough or get my blood pumping either way.” The corner of Amy’s mouth suddenly curled into a smile.
“Get your blood pumping? Sounds like you’ve been thinking about her a lot more than...” She brought her fingers up into quotations. ‘As a cousin’ the last few weeks.”
“Yeah.” Quinn exhaled. “But don’t tell her that. She’s not interested anyway; she’s got Mark.” Amy shrugged, hearing the back door open.
“He’s a city boy, Quinn. It won’t last. It’s not like he’ll come out these ways for good.”
Annie stopped at the end of the counter, only hearing the end of the conversation. Quinn and Amy always seem to be in these in-depth conversations. They made no secret that they were close. She would think they were a couple if it wasn’t for Noah. “Who are we talking about? Who can’t handle these ways?” Amy and Quinn looked at each other. The youngest Campbell cousin was never short of an eardrop or an exaggeration. Quinn piped up.
“Maddie’s boyfriend, Mark.” Annie’s blue eyes widened as she leaned closer.
“Maddie has a boyfriend? I thought you guys were....” She was met by Quinn’s questioning eyes. Annie quickly retracted the direction she was going. “Boyfriend, huh? You’ve met him?” Quinn frowned. Apart from Amy, Noah was the only one who knew anything about her sexuality. And when it came to Maddie, only Amy knew. Annie seemed to be on the right track already. Quinn squared up a bit. Her height towering over the shorter cousin. Annie tilted her head at her reaction. These two may be close, but she’d grown up with this Mitchell kid, so she knew this little defensive move was like a nail being hit on the head. Annie’s cheek rose, and the crooked smile hit her features. Quinn shook her head; she couldn’t believe this. Her eyes fell on Amy, who knew she was thinking she had said something. She gave her a little shrug.
“What’s this?”
Quinn suddenly looked down, feeling the chain being pulled out of her hand. Annie had her hands on her necklace! She tried to snatch it back, but Annie was already holding it up. Her eyes widened, noticing the shiny M.
“No, it’s not what...”
“Quinny loves Maddie!”
“Annie!” Quinn went to grab it, but Annie was too fast, moving away from the table out of Quinn’s reach. “Annie, give it back.” Annie stood at the entrance to the hallway, the biggest grin on her face. Quinn stopped in front of her. The last thing she needed was this to get out. “It’s not Maddie’s.” She wet her lip, finding a lie she could stick to.
“It’s Melanie, my girlfriend, Melanie.” Annie studied her face a second; she glanced over at Amy, who gave her a little agreeing nod. Annie sighed.
“Okay.” She pretended to hand it back, faking her out at the last minute. “Not! Kissing cousins!”
“Ahh!” Annie ran down the hallway with Quinn quick on her heels. Annie managed to reach her bedroom, slamming the door in Quinn’s face.
“Annie, come on! We’re not kids anymore! Give it back!”
“Not till you admit you have the hots for Maddie!” Quinn clenched her jaw on the other side of the door. Her private thoughts were slowly getting out in the open without her consent.
“Annie!” She yelled at the door. “Maddie is not interested in me. Trust me, she isn’t.” She confessed. She heard the door click, and Annie peeked through the crack.
“She isn’t?” Quinn paused a moment. She could actually hear the disappointment in her voice.
“No. So,” She put her hand out. “This is for Melanie.” Amy searched her eyes for a second. She opened the door, putting the necklace in her hand.
“Sorry, I just thought, I hoped.” Quinn felt the chain back in her hand. Annie’s hand found her arm, giving it a squeeze. “Gutted. I was sure you two were having a thing.”
“haa, yeah.” Quinn laughed, clenching the chain in her hand. “That’s never going to happen.”

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