Amanda - The Lost Islands
I laid awake in the small tent that was built right out side of the Midnight District. Both Mable and Kaz had fallen asleep an hour before without effort. Given they were exhausted from playing and fighting earlier, but I still envied them for that. In the next tent over I could hear Mason and Sparrow snoring and sleep talking. They were very loud which was shocking since Sparrow isn't necessarily considered a "big" person. I step out of the tent to swap places with Jack, since we appointed him the night watch for that while. "Time to swap Jack." I quiet my voice so no one hears us in our little secluded area. He nods and heads into the tent without question. Jack knows I'm capable of handling myself, plus he was extremely tired. He said he didn't sleep the first night of the trials either. I took his place in his seat and fiddled with my knife. After about 15 minutes of sitting there I hear some rustling in the trees. It's not completely dark yet so spotting the perpetrator should be relatively easy. I scan the tree line until I find a big shadow emerge from the foliage. "Hooker??" I almost shout it and grab another knife from my suit. I get into a steady position as he throws his hands out. "WAIT WAIT WAIT!! Hold on!!" He backs away a few steps almost tripping a few times. "I-I can explain-" I point my dagger towards him and take a few steps forward. "How did you wake up in enough time? That should've been enough to hold you off for a long while- you should've been held back!" Mason, Kaz, and Mable are all sticking their heads out from the tents while Jack and Sparrow are standing behind me. I barely heard them but they both stepped next to me and stood there with their weapons engaged. The Hooker takes a deep breath and began explaining his situation. "I woke up in a big pile of bodies, all bloodied and such. I guess there wasn't enough support because I fell out of the back of the truck." He swallowed and continued. "I started running around hoping maybe I could find an exit door or go back onto the ships to complete the round again. That's when I came across you guys." He bends down to his knees and places both of his hands on the ground. "I beg of you, please let me join your party!" Jack and I look at each other, both agreeing to at least show some hospitality, but Mason and Kaz have different looks on their faces. I walk towards him and bend down to meet him. MGrabbing his hand, I pull him up and set him down on the li on ttle stump near us that I had been previously sitting on. "Stay right here, if you move an inch, you die." He nods and I take everyone and form a circle with them. "I don't feel comfortable with this dude... didn't he try to kill us earlier??" Mason says with grimace on his face. He's clearly bothered by something but I'm not sure what. "I agree with Mason here. I don't feel comfortable with someone who tried to kill Mable join our group." She side eyes Hooker then meets Sparrows gaze. "Hey, I'm neutral here, I know you guys are cool to protect Mable from Hoo-" I cut him off mid sentence. "Fitch, his name is Fitch." Sparrow continues his sentence a little flustered. "Sure, Fitch, like I was saying, I trust you guys to protect Mable if the time comes." Kaz, clearly annoyed, didn't argue with his reasoning. "You guys, don't base this off of me. Do it off of Amandas comfort." Mable exclaims. "I'm fine any and either way, it would be a quick death if we chose to kill him. My past does not change my point of views here." I shoot her a quick glance as to give her a "shut up" look. She shrugs and goes over to Fitch, takes his hand, then shakes it. "Welcome to our group Fitch. If you are to betray us in anyway, you're dead." His face goes a ghost like pale while Mable is smiling ear to ear.
Story No.1
AdventureHere's the First story me and my friend ever wrote. We wrote them back and forth over text, chapter by chapter. might as well post it if anyone wants a lazy read with bad grammar.