Star Trek Voyager: Fragments (Chapter 2)

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 “Hi, mind if I sit here?”

Amal lifted his hand away from his throbbing head and glanced at the speaker, a short man, human like himself, a small but friendly smile on his face as people pushed past him in the bar’s breakfast rush. “Uhh…yeah sure.” Amal agreed, moving his tray over to make space for the man to sit down and extending his hand, “Amal Kotay.”

The man’s smile widened, “Harry Kim, I work in the power distribution plant.”

Amal’s eyebrows rose slightly, “Oh yeah? Me too. There seems to be a lot of humans working there.”

Harry shrugged unconcernedly, “We all need work I suppose.”Amal nodded but shouldn’t shake off the unsettled feeling that had developed the night before, even since he’d intervened to help that efficiency monitor… He was pulled from these thoughts by Harry speaking again, “Hey, are you okay?”

“Rough night.” Amal explained quickly. That was an understatement, he’d been plagued by weird dreams, he couldn’t call them nightmares even though they had seriously disturbed him, the whole night. With a sigh of tiredness and exasperation he rubbed his neck and shoulders, only for his eyes to fall on the last person he wanted to see but still couldn’t take his eyes off. She was sitting distant from everyone else, an achievement considering how busy the bar was, an uneaten meal in front of her, much as his was, and staring into space with a deep set frown on her face, as if she were pondering something disturbing.

Tom Paris, the bar’s newest waiter, picked up his next drink order and headed towards the table, slamming the tray down beside the two men. “A water and a Rosalian spiced tea.” He announced but neither of them even looked at him. Suspicious, he followed their gaze and saw the object of their fascination, the blonde efficiency monitor who had rebuffed him so icily three days before, and smirked at them. “I wouldn’t even think about it if I were you, she’s pretty brutal with her put downs.” He advised. The younger man closed his mouth with a blush and hurriedly gulped at his water but the elder one, with the unusual tattoo, remained oblivious. “Hey, were you listening? I said you’ll have no luck with that one!” Tom laughed as he addressed him again.

Amal’s head finally snapped round to see the speaker, feeling irritation sweep through him. It’s not like that! He thought angrily but sighed as he realised he had no explanation to give and he picked up the tea and sipped it, just then he saw the woman rise abruptly and walk with anxious purpose from the room, making a quick decision, he stood too. “The bill please.” He requested of the waiter sharply.

Entertained, Tom chuckled, “Yeah sure. 12 credits.”

Amal quickly threw some currency onto the table, “Keep the change.” He muttered before hurriedly following his interest out of the door.

“Thanks.” Tom said as he lifted the money but realised he’d already gone. “Wow, he’s got it bad!”

Annika left the bar behind her as quickly as possible, agitated by the crowds and the feeling of strangeness this whole place gave her. She headed down the corridor towards the power plant, thinking. I should be completely adapted to this place by now; I’ve been here almost three weeks… Suddenly memories of the night before, Tuvok’s voice, echoed through her brain, “I don’t believe you are who you think are! We don’t belong here!” She halted, trying to force the anxiety from her mind but it only intensified. With a gulp she abruptly changed course, now heading towards the hospital.

With her efficient mode of rapid walking, she was soon at the hospital’s reception and saw a doctor hovering around a console. “I want to know the status of employee 8583.” She commanded brusquely.

The doctor raised an eyebrow at the strange, metal scarred and defensive young woman before him, talking as if she owned the place. “I don’t know if it’s the same where you come from, but here it’s customary to say good morning.” He remarked.

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