Star Trek Voyager: Fragments (Chapter 14)

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“The Doctor tells me you plan to leave Quarra tomorrow Captain.” Detective Yerid said softly as he entered Voyager’s Ready Room, which as it had turned out belonged to his informant, and now hopefully friend, Kathryn Janeway. “I just stopped by to wish you the best of luck on your journey, and to apologise again for what you and your crew have been through.”

Kathryn smiled warmly at the policeman. “As we’ve all told you before Yerid, you had nothing to do with this.” He bowed his head gratefully and she added genuinely, “We owe you thanks for helping us Detective, really.” She skilfully changed the subject as his expression became both gratified and sheepish, “How is your investigation into the other workers’ backgrounds going?”

Yerid sighed, running a strained hand through his hair. “Well, from what we know Kadan had his operation up and running for about six months, we’ve traced over 1200 victims so far and there are probably more, but at least the Government has agreed we have to make amends with these people.” He sighed again, a hint of doubt in his voice, “If that’s really possible, I don’t know.” He caught Kathryn’s sympathetic look and took a deep breath, “The Doctor tells me his treatment is working perfectly, and I must say it’s been the same way on Quarra.”

“Good.” The Captain replied, trying to sound more eager than she did. “I’ll admit it’s been an unusual three days, watching my crew having to re-learn their lives.”

“I’m sure.” Yerid said solemnly, “How are Amal and Anni…” He halted, correcting himself, “…Commander Chakotay and Seven of Nine dealing with all this?” he swallowed slightly, “I know they suffered more brutality than most.”

“I haven’t really spoken to them in depth, to be honest. They’ve been working hard to help their crewmembers adjust…” Janeway didn’t air her suspicion that Chakotay and Seven were avoiding any issues this experience had thrown up for them and, most noticeably, avoiding each other. She pushed this thought aside and smiled distractedly at Yerid, “I remember them well enough however, to know that neither of them blames you in any way.”

“That’s good to hear.” Yerid admitted as he respectfully backed out of the room. “Give them my regards, and good luck with your journey to the Alpha Quadrant.”

“Thank you.” Janeway replied sincerely. After he was gone her mind once again began to drift, unable to truly focus on her myriad of responsibilities. Instead, Jaffen’s heart-warming laugh again echoed in her ears, as memories of his gentle but intoxicating touch had tortured her these last three nights… Snapping out of it, she resolutely tapped the comm. badge she’d been absently toying with as she’d been daydreaming. “Captain Janeway to Chakotay and Seven of Nine, can you both please report to my Ready Room?”

Chakotay’s reply had the smallest of nervy hitches in his voice, although the tone was decidedly businesslike. “On my way Captain.”

Seven’s answer a moment or so later was perfectly composed but tellingly short. “Yes Captain.”

They both arrived there looking rushed, as if they were desperate to get this interview over with, but it just so happened that they arrived at the same moment. The barely perceptible blushes that passed over both faces as they nearly collided did not go unnoticed by their Captain, who quirked a knowing brow at them both as they positioned themselves at either side of her desk. “What’s the hurry?” she asked wryly.

Chakotay had the grace to look shamefaced. “No hurry Captain, not at all.” Even as he directed these calm words at her, the Captain could see that his gaze and the vast majority of his attention was focused on Seven, whose reaction to the Captain’s probing was more irritated.

“I have a great deal of repairs to complete Captain.” She informed Janeway coolly, shifting back skittishly as if she could feel Chakotay’s gaze on her skin and hear the Captain’s mental suspicions.

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