Star Trek Voyager: Fragments (Chapter 11)

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Detective Yerid, lead investigator of Central City power plant’s police station, was tense. Not even arranging his daily koffball bets and drinking his usual cup of Darkalian coffee was bringing the relaxation it normally did. He knew it was because of this kidnapping case, such an unusual and inexplicable crime hadn’t happened in all his twenty years with the Quarran police force and as such he was getting a lot of pressure from the top brass. He’d told them that as soon as the fugitive was caught he’d be questioned thoroughly, that it was probably no more than the case of a jilted lover, but in his heart this explanation didn’t add up, what little evidence he did have pointed towards something far from simple…

“Detective Yerid sir!” Yerid’s head snapped up at the shout and he immediately jumped out from behind his desk as he saw two officers dragging the dead weight of a battered man down the hallway by the armpits, his crimson blood streaking ugly trails across the otherwise spotless floor in his wake.

“Who is this?” Yerid asked the more senior of the two officers angrily, “You should’ve kept him under guard at the hospital rather than bring him all the way here…”

“But it’s the fugitive sir!” The officer broke in eagerly, “The kidnapper, Amal Kotay!”

“He’s innocent until proven guilty remember Constable.” Yerid reminded him coolly before taking in the man’s appearance swiftly; it was him, a badly injured version. “I hope you used reasonable force, I’m not sure he’s fit for questioning like this.”

The younger officer, an honest man by the name of Samiloc, explained, “He was shot before we got to him sir, security must’ve managed to hit him while they were chasing him earlier.”

“And the bruises?” Yerid asked drily, after realising Samiloc was right, the main wound had been bandaged at some point through it was now soaked through with blood and provided little help.

Samiloc shot the other officer a glare, who then snapped defensively, “He was resisting arrest!”

“Go and get the interrogation room ready for him Constable.” Yerid told him calmly, watching the man stalk off before turning back to Samiloc, “Handcuff him and we’ll take him to a doctor…”

“No.” Amal Kotay struggled upright to look him in the eye. “I’m alright; your men just reopened the wound. Question me and I’ll tell you the truth of why I’m doing this.”

Yerid couldn’t help but be surprised by the other man’s commanding presence and self-possession, no matter how strange the situation. “I’d like to hear it, let’s get started.”

Amal grimaced in pain he was lowered into a chair across from Yerid in the interrogation room, but quickly hid it as he saw him observing him for evidence. He’d earlier formed a plan in his mind about what he’d do in this situation, but now, when he needed it, that plan had completely abandoned him. He sighed heavily as he studied Yerid, could he really risk telling him the truth? He and Annika had never been able to figure out how far this conspiracy went, but in looking at Yerid’s measured features he had a feeling it didn’t extend to him, the alien lawman seemed like a pretty straight shooter. He didn’t have any longer to mull the problem over before Yerid asked him determinedly, “Tell me why you kidnapped B’Elanna Torres, an innocent pregnant woman, and where she is now?”

Amal braced himself, it wasn’t as if he had much choice in the matter, he didn’t have a remotely plausible lie to tell. As long as they didn’t find out about Annika and the others then nothing really mattered anyway. “I didn’t kidnap her, I rescued her.” He corrected bluntly.

“Rescued her?” Yerid echoed incredulously, “It didn’t look like you were rescuing her when she was taken. She was screaming for help!”

A pained wince crossed Amal’s face, the guilt over that incident not having completely faded. “I know but it was for her own good. Her memories of me, of her life, were erased when she was brought here. I need to get my crew back and she’s one of them.”

“Your crew? You think people are brought here against their will?” Yerid asked, his voice hushed by disbelief. “Those are very serious accusations! You’ll need to back them up if you want to keep from being thrown in a jail cell right now.”

Amal leaned forward over the table, his sense of urgency and desperation evident. “My species is called human, am I right in thinking that the Quarrans have never encountered our species until last month?”

Yerid pondered the question, “That’s right, but as far as I can tell there are over a hundred of you here now.”

“103 humans and thirty other individuals from species you’ve never seen before. They all arrived on the same day, during a labour shortage, do you really think that can possibly be just a coincidence?” Amal pointed out sharply.

Yerid cleared his throat, not wanting Amal to see how much of his explanation had struck a chord with him. “Let’s say I take you at your word and these people are all your crew, how did they forget who they were? We don’t have the technology to bring on mass amnesia.”

“Not en-masse perhaps.” Amal conceded reluctantly, “But the doctors in level 6 of your hospital, the neuropathologists, do use memory engram re-sequencing to treat dysphoria syndrome, which is supposedly very rare and not contagious but you’ll find that every one of my crewmates did receive treatment for!”

“That could be explained by your species having a particular weakness for that illness…” Yerid began but stopped when he realised how weak that reasoning sounded.

“If you need more proof…” Amal interjected impatiently, “Then just look in your scrap yard where my vessel’s been hidden, the Voyager, and ask yourself why would…”

The crash of the interrogation room’s door being forced open cut Amal off unceremoniously and as Yerid turned around to berate the thoughtless intruder he found himself confronted by the livid, reddened face of a man whose id badge identified him as a Dr Kadan. Yerid had to contain a shiver of unease when he saw the same badge was issued by Neuropathology. “Detective, I insist that you stop this interview immediately on medical grounds. This man has been diagnosed with dysphoria syndrome and must be released to my care.” Kadan stated with smooth, patronising, confidence.

It took all of Yerid’s training and experience to remain impassive, to ignore the way his stomach was plunging to his feet in dread. “I’m sorry Doctor, but I can’t do that.” He replied with a ghost of an apologetic smile. “Mr Kotay is suspected in a very serious crime and as he has already refused medical treatment I’m under no obligation to release him to you.”

Kadan’s eyes narrowed venomously. “You’ve misunderstood my courtesy to you as asking for permission Detective, I already have that from the Chief of Police himself. Now if you will please step aside.”

Yerid slumped in defeat as orderlies began to lead Amal out into the hallway, feeling as if all the air had been kicked violently out of him. The condemned man himself appeared to have withdraw into himself, until that his he drew level with Kadan when he shot the doctor a glare so burning with disgust and hatred that Yerid was sure he saw the target flinch. Amal then turned back and flung Yerid a questioning look, who barely had to think before giving him a discreet nod in return.

As soon as the hospital staff had cleared out, Yerid returned to his desk, kicking out at it in frustration, how was it possible that in one half hour, for that was as long as the whole exchange had taken, could shake his beliefs about his world so utterly to the core? “What in the Goddess’ name am I supposed to do now?” he growled to himself as he took a fortifying gulp of his now ice cold coffee.

“Sir?” Yerid lifted his head to see Samiloc cautiously approaching him, flanked, to his shock, by an auburn haired woman who was undeniably the same species as Amal Kotay. “This woman has some information about Amal Kotay and his apparent co-conspirator Detective.” Samiloc informed him nervously; obviously his meltdown hadn’t gone unnoticed within the station.

Co-conspirator? Yerid’s heart leapt as he gently shook the woman’s hand; after all he’d need all the help he could get if he was really going to run with this. “Charmed madam, I’m Detective Yerid and I’d be very grateful for anything you can tell me.”

She stepped forward, “Kathryn Janeway.”


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