Star Trek Voyager: Fragments (Chapter 8)

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“What the hell is going on here?” Annika gulped as she stared at the woman who had discovered them, her brain functions freezing as she struggled to conjure up a viable explanation for why she and Amal were in these quarters, which were obviously not as abandoned as they had believed. “Well?” The woman repeated with frustrated incredulity, her hand tightening around the door frame as Amal groaned in pain, “What’s wrong with him? Answer me!”

Feeling Amal’s grip on her fingers tighten urgently, Annika decided it would be best to be honest, despite the fact that the woman was practically accusing at her, it wasn’t as if she had much choice. Glancing down at Amal worriedly, then back into the eyes of the intruder, she said simply, “He was shot.”

Shot?” The woman echoed, her eyes moving skittishly for a moment before she moved cautiously towards them, the pity which filled her face when she saw Amal’s wound making a sharp retreat as she recognised him. “He’s…he’s the one who kidnapped that engineer!” She backed away again, “It was the police that shot him…” She choked out in realisation, “Get out of my apartment before I call security!”

“You can’t do that Captain!” Annika cried pleadingly, “Please…” She stopped in her tracks as she registered the woman’s startled glare and considered her spur of the moment words, Captain? Did she know this woman? Now that she took a closer, more objective look into the woman’s face she saw that they were both the same species, human, although the woman was of course lacking her Borg implants.  If she was from Voyager then she must be trustworthy on some level…

Her musings were interrupted by the woman’s shrill voice, “Why did you just call me that?”

Annika set her teeth, “Because that is what you are, you are Captain Kathryn Janeway.” She herself was surprised how certain she felt and sounded and judging by the way Janeway’s mouth fell open, at least part of her statement must have hit home. “But that is irrelevant for now…” She continued quickly as Janeway’s disbelief changed to fear. “Amal…Chakotay…” She murmured indicating Amal but trying out the name the Doctor had used in the dim hope that it triggered some latent memory, “…didn’t kidnap B’Elanna, he rescued her. There’s a ship, the Voyager, its crew were brought here against their will, their…our…” She gulped hard, thinking back to what she’d discovered in the hospital, “Our memories were tampered with, Chakotay and I’s memories recovered enough to realise so…”

Janeway uttered a broken laugh, crouched defensively low but peering at her curiously, “And you think I’m a member of your crew?” She questioned in a low, interrogative tone.

Annika took a deep breath. “It’s…probable.” She conceded quietly.

Janeway stared at her with an unreadable expression for such a long time that Annika began to believe her words had struck a chord but as Amal’s painful cough broke the silence, Janeway seemed to snap out of it, shaking her head. “No, no, it’s impossible. I have a life here…” She said in firm denial, rising off of her knees and rubbing her eyes as she looked down at them, “Look, just get out of here and I won’t report you…”

Annika however, wasn’t paying attention on her as she saw blood begin to trickle from Amal’s mouth and glared back at the woman, standing up to her full, imposing height and grabbing Janeway’s wrist in an iron grip, “I don’t care if you believe anything I just said, but you can’t just leave a man dying on the floor!” Without breaking eye-contact she pulled a small key from her pocket and pressed it securely into the other woman’s hand. “Use that to get a med kit from the plant and bring it here.”

Janeway fought the instinctive intimidation she felt in the face of this strange woman, her steely blue eyes practically sparking angered, indignant lightning as she stood protectively over the crumpled heap of a man but somehow her hand closed around the key, almost against her will, “Fine.” The relief that crossed Annika’s face made her appear almost childish and she immediately let go of Janeway’s arm, only to be surprised when the other woman held firm, looking at her coldly, “If you want my advice, take that poor man to the hospital and both of you forget about this madness.”

“Then I would be living a lie.” Annika replied with strangely calm sincerity. She sank back onto her knees as Janeway nodded, understanding unexpectedly crossing her features as she left, hopefully to do her task and save Amal’s life.

The few minutes ticked by like hours as Annika cradled Amal’s head on her lap, consumed by anxiety and fear as she watched him drift in and out of consciousness, oh God, maybe the Captain had been right… She stopped that thought in its tracks, what was the point of thinking like that now? If the aforementioned Captain didn’t return soon then she’d need to look for help herself… With slow care she tried to move away from him but he gasped out, “No, don’t…le…leave…”

“I have to! The Captain hasn’t returned and you need…” Annika began to explain desperately.

Amal laughed weakly, the sound ending in an agonising cough. “She’ll…come back…” Even in his weakened state he was still able to read the doubt on her face, “She will Seven…”

Annika felt tears of fear and frustration begin to spill down her cheeks, “Don’t call me that… What good has all this done you, or either of us?” She choked out brokenly, not even lifting her head as she heard footsteps.

Janeway paused halfway into the room, stunned to see ghostly tear tracks shimmering on the blonde’s pale face, although she wasn’t sure why, it wasn’t as if she knew the woman, she could cry and the drop of a hat for all she knew. “Here.” She finally said monosyllabically, extending the med kit out to her but drawing back when she saw the man’s worsened state, sickened by an unknown fear. “He’s not…dead?” she whispered, disturbed by the inexplicable grief in her voice.

“No.” Annika replied stoically as she set to work with a dermal regenerator, “You may go now.” She dismissed her without looking up.

“But…” Janeway began before asking herself why she was refusing to leave the presence of two fugitives and closing her mouth, leaving the apartment as quickly as she could.

Gradually Amal’s wounds stopped bleeding and even shrank under the influence of the technology, his mind fully returning to him as Annika helped him sit up. “That’s the best I can do, you still need to see the Doctor…” She trailed off, feeling intensely grateful for the first aid classes at the plant, though she doubted they’d been intended to serve victims of phaser fire. She winced with him as he stood up painfully, “Are you sure you can walk?” she asked anxiously.

“Yeah, and even if I couldn’t, we can’t just sit here.” He answered calmly but allowed himself to lean on her slightly as he stepped forward. “Why did you let her go? She might go to the authorities…”

Annika frowned questioningly at him, “You were the one who told me she’d come through on the med kit and she did…”

“I knew she wouldn’t let me die but as for anything else…” He muttered regretfully.

“Well, we have no choice but to trust her now.” Annika reminded him, “Come on, let’s go.”

Janeway walked blindly, just putting one foot in front of another, lost in thought. Why had she helped them? Why did she feel so worried now? What she said happened is utterly impossible… The tight grasp of hands around her shoulders made her jump violently but a familiar voice comforted her fears, “Hey Kathryn, it’s just me! Where have you been? I thought you were getting stuff from your apartment but…”

Her head jolted upright to see that it was Jaffen who was holding her, peering at her in concern. “Jaffen…” She began weakly, feeling tears of her own prick her eyes, “Something happened, something I really don’t understand…”

Jaffen’s arm immediately went round her shoulders, “Hey, we’ll talk about it at home, okay?”

“Yes, we will.” She replied quietly as he pulled her into their apartment.

A/n: This chapter isn’t very good but please review! :D

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