Star Trek Voyager: Fragments (Chapter 4)

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“His recommended treatment is memory engram re-sequencing.” Annika told Amal shakily, pointing out the paragraph on the screen for him to read when he stared at her in incredulous disbelief.

However, no matter how many times Amal read and re-read the information, he still couldn’t fully process what she could possibly be getting at. Unconsciously stepping back from her and inhaling deeply to try to calm himself, he finally managed to ask, “Are you saying he induces amnesia in these people?”

Annika’s hands slid from the computer keyboard and into her lap, twisting them uneasily as she spoke, “At least partially yes, but it’s apparently the only way to cure the symptoms…”

“I wouldn’t call forgetting parts of your life a cure.” Amal remarked harshly.

Annika glanced at him, surprised at the strength of his reaction, before saying in a more level tone, “It is an ability which would be frighteningly easy to abuse.”

Amal took stock of this, heavily sitting down on the nearest chair before holding Annika in a serious gaze, “And do you think we’re both victims of this abuse?”

Annika clenched her jaw as she met his brooding eyes and answered, “It’s possible…” She murmured unhappily before pulling back from him again. “Of course we could both be suffering a relapse of dysphoria syndrome…”

Amal frowned at her avoidance of the issue, “And how likely is that?” he questioned. Her answer was an irritated glare but he just ignored that and returned to studying the computer. “All these people, coming in on the same day, maybe there’s ship records?”

“A logical assumption.” Annika agreed noncommittally, beginning a new search through the database. After a few minutes of reading through shipping lists, Annika’s lips pursed anxiously once again. “There’s no record of any of the people on Tuvok’s list ever travelling here by a registered transport, not the day we supposedly arrived, or any other.

“That can’t be!” Amal exclaimed. “I remember…” His voice petered out into a groan as the hot, searing pain once again drilled into his brain, bringing unwelcome visions along with it…

He was standing in the centre of a room, no a ship’s Bridge… There was a huge viewscreen directly in front of him which revealed asteroids directly ahead…no minefields, a voice in his confused brain corrected. Suddenly an explosion reverberated in his ears and as his body rocked and fought to maintain its balance he heard a strangely familiar female voice at his side, shrill but commanding, “This is the Federation starship U.S.S Voyager, disable these mines…”

“Amal! Amal!” Annika’s voice was slightly edged with panic as she shook him by the shoulders. She felt relief rush through her as his eyes lost the far away, glassy expression and returned to normal, peering at her in confusion. Concernedly she rested her fingers momentarily under his chin as she asked, “Are you alright?”

Amal tried to smile to reassure her but his mind was too preoccupied with what he’d seen. “I…I think I just had another…flashback, if that’s what they are.” He shook his head in attempt to clear the bleary mental fog but one thing from the vision stuck with him. “Search for Voyager…”

“Voyager?” Annika echoed blankly before her eyes narrowed, “What’s that?”

“A ship…I think.” Agitated by her unconvinced expression he said in a low tone, “Just do it Annika.”

Annika sighed but turned back to the computer without another word, although part of her was disturbed about why she hadn’t questioned the order, for an order was what it had been. “Voyager…” She muttered as she typed the name in, doubting she would get anything so even more surprised when an entry popped up almost immediately, “There’s a starship Voyager in the salvage yard just outside the power complex…” She caught Amal’s eye in fearful disbelief, “It was found the day we arrived.”

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