Star Trek Voyager: Fragments (Chapter 13)

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“Now…” Yerid began slowly, awkwardly shifting the paperwork around his desk so he could meet the eyes of the agitated woman before him. “Ms. Janeway, please start at the beginning.”

Kathryn Janeway pursed her lips together nervously as her eyes registered the red streaks of Amal Kotay’s blood which still stained the otherwise gleaming floor of the police station. “I want a guarantee that I won’t be treated as he was.” She stated firmly, waving a hand at the interrogation room, its messy state a lingering sign of the violence of Amal’s removal. She swallowed hard, Jaffen’s kind, supportive face appearing in her mind’s eye to give her strength. He’d told her that if there was even a hint of danger for her he’d run in and get her out of there, but the last thing she was wanted was for this surreal, inexplicable, situation to ruin his life as well as hers. “I also don’t want my friend Jaffen being dragged into this…” She forced out, avoiding Yerid’s eyes.

To her surprise, the practised, neutral mask that was Yerid’s face fell away and he smiled at her kindly, if a little weakly. “You and your friend don’t need to worry on that account, I will use every power I have to shield you from the…” He paused, his expression hardening, “…distasteful elements I have a feeling this investigation may throw up.” He noticed Kathryn’s flinch and gave her clenched a reassuring pat before meeting her gaze again, his own deadly serious. “I know now there’s something suspicious going on at that hospital, perhaps in this whole complex, but without Amal Kotay or his companion’s help I need someone else to help me bring the pieces to together.” He explained quietly, “Are you willing to be that person?” he asked softly, getting to the point.

Kathryn studied his face for a moment, she knew in her gut that this man at least was sincere in getting to the bottom of something which had plagued her since she’d felt bound to help the fugitive pair and been referred to as “Captain.” She couldn’t just ignore the sense of responsibility which had suddenly been laid on her shoulders. “Yes.” She agreed in an emotional whisper before her voice took on a more business like tone. “It all started when I came back to get the last of my things from my apartment and found them…” Her voice trailed off as she remembered the shocking scene, then she clarified, “Amal Kotay and that blonde efficiency monitor, the Borg, I still don’t know her name…”

“That’s okay.” Yerid assured her quickly as he scribbled notes while pondering a question. “This might sound odd, but did the sight of those two people trigger any…” He paused, feeling sheepish, “…memories for you?”

Kathryn narrowed her eyes. “How do you know that’s what she told me?” she asked sharply.

“It would correlate with what Kotay said, that’s all. What exactly did the woman tell you?” Yerid pressed.

“The whole experience was strange.” Kathryn admitted softly, “When you spoke of memories, the only thing that triggered anything for me was when she called me “Captain” and spoke of a starship…”

“Voyager?” Yerid guessed eagerly.

“Yes, that’s what she said.” Kathryn agreed, “But really the rest of her story was so farfetched! Kidnapping and memory manipulation…”

Yerid sighed heavily, “Believe me ma’am, after 25 years in the police nothing strikes me as farfetched.” She nodded knowingly, a sigh leaving her lips, although afterwards she seemed confused by her agreement with him. “This “Voyager” seems to be the key to the puzzle, it’s mentioned constantly, did they mention to you where it was?”

“No, but…” Kathryn’s eyes took on a distant expression, “It could be destroyed, the mines did so much damage…” She flushed as she realised what she’d just said, “I’m sorry, I don’t know where that came from…”

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