Star Trek Voyager: Fragments (Finale)

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A/n: Thanks to everyone who read/reviewed my one-shot “Seven’s First Valentine”. I really appreciate it. :D

The Doctor watched as Seven’s pale eyes, stoically fixated on Sickbay’s ceiling as she braced herself for oblivion, slowly drifted closed as the sedative he’d  just put in her veins quickly took effect. With practised control he scanned her now limp frame, snapping the tricorder shut before finally glancing up from his patient to address the Commander. “She’s fully anesthetised, I’m ready to begin.”

Chakotay didn’t reply immediately. His shoulders slumped in a heavy sigh as he gave Seven’s hand he was holding a final squeeze, now for his benefit rather than hers, his grip lingering even as he stood up stiffly. “Good. You’d better get started then.” He said in a neutral tone, gently placing Seven’s hand back by her side on the biobed before turning on his heel to leave. “Contact me when it’s over.” He told the Doctor firmly as Sickbay’s door opened in front of him, his tone unmistakably conveying an undisputable order. “I told her I’d be here.” He murmured, so quietly it was almost to himself.

The Doctor replied anyway, “I know, I heard your promise.” He assured him calmly, but with a hint of doubt in his voice that made Chakotay stiffen and stop in his tracks, the Sickbay doors swishing shut again as the Doctor continued, “Are you sure you know what you’re getting into Commander?”

Chakotay set his jaw as he turned back around to face the hologram, fighting to stop his hackles from rising, “I was “in it” the moment she confided in me Doctor, the moment we…” He stopped as he saw the Doctor’s enquiring look, “Why would I want it any other way?” he questioned tersely, his anger rising as the Doctor remained silent, “What makes you think I’d…”

The Doctor gave an irritated sigh. “Don’t jump down my throat Commander.” He muttered loftily, “I just thought it would it would be better to warn you that Seven’s going to be…fragile for a while after this.”

Chakotay’s lips twitched sadly, irritated by the Doctor’s cluelessness. “She’s always been fragile Doctor; she’s just been exceptionally good at hiding it.” He retorted sharply, “I’m not going to run away from her because of that!”

“I should hope not.” The Doctor answered coolly before a tired sigh left his lips, “She’s vulnerable right now Chakotay, that’s all.”

Chakotay forced himself to take a deep calming breath to cool his temper, pushing his defensive stance to relax slightly as he spoke again. “I know you care about her Doctor…” Privately he was starting to believe that the Doctor’s, and the Captain’s, overprotective shielding of Seven had led to many of her lingering fears about rejection if she took a step forward. “But I need you to know that I understand how much pain she’s been through, more than a person should ever have in one or even two lifetimes, and that I would never add to that pain…” His emphatic, passionate, words were cruelly interrupted by the beep of his comm. badge, and he broke stern eye contact with the Doctor to answer it, “Chakotay here.”

The Captain’s unexpectedly cheery voice, so at odds with the tumult of emotions which dominated his thoughts, filled the room, “Chakotay, I’ve called a quick senior staff meeting in the Briefing Room, it’s important that you attend.”

Chakotay almost smiled, she sounded as if she was bursting at the seams with some sort of good news, though what that could possibly be he didn’t know. “I’ll be right there Captain.” He agreed hurriedly, waiting for the comm. line to cut off before he addressed the Doctor again, “I need…” He glanced at Seven, “We need you to trust that I lo…” He stopped, Seven should be the first to here that word from him, “…that I would never hurt her, ever.”

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