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"Missing?" Dillon asks while she preps dinner in her beautiful kitchen. "No. Hidin'," Austin says and takes a long sip of his beer. She would think he is covering up with a lie, but he hasn't left her side and still speaks in hushed tones with his men. He is still planning so he would never jump the gun and do away with Luke before he has everything in order. So if Luke is missing it's not by Austin's hand. "What do you mean hiding?" she asks. Austin frowns and looks around the room then back at her.

"You are not aware of what the word means?"

"Don't get smart with me, warden. You know what I am asking. What makes you think he is missing or hiding or whatever?"

"Stop calling me warden."

"Let me go to the city. Let me walk around the ranch and pop into town on my own."


"Then you shall remain warden."

"And you shall remain a pain in my ass."

"Well, at least we are both good at our roles. Now, explain to me why you have decided Luke is missing."

"He ain't missin', he is hidin'. His house is empty, he has abandoned his post as sheriff, and no one has seen him."

"So what does that mean?"

"It means I will endure you callin' me warden for longer than I hoped."


"Because he could be anywhere and that, Lil darlin', is concernin'."

"I disagree. I feel he knows he crossed a line and there is no going back. He has run away and we are finally able to live our lives free from worry. I don't think Luke will be a problem anymore."

Austin rolls his eyes and takes another sip of his beer. He clearly does not agree with her. He probably thinks she is getting ahead of herself and starting to think recklessly, but she is not. If she had pissed Austin off as much as Luke did she would get her ass to another country and never show her face again. "Don't roll your eyes at me," she snips. Austin raises his eyebrows at her and then she sees his jaw move slightly as his lips part. "Don't you dare..." she warns, then glares at him when she hears his tongue click as he smirks at her. "You are a child," she snips, he pisses her the fuck off when he does that and he knows it.

"We can't live our lives in fear and worry forever, warden. He is gone. Now...about going to the city for furniture-"

"Do you not have the capacity to know when to call it quits?"

"No, I do not. I am going to the city. We both need this."

"I need you close to me."

"You need to loosen the reins a little."

"My reins are loose. The handcuffs? Not so much," Austin hums. "I will not be controlled like this! I am going!" Dillon shouts while Austin sighs for the hundredth time. "Would it be possible to have a calm conversation with you as opposed to a screaming match? Are you capable of that?" he asks so calmly it sounds condescending. Dillon puts down the knife she had been using to chop the vegetables for dinner. She shouldn't be holding anything sharp. It's been over a month since Luke burnt down the house in his cowardly ways. One whole month that Dillon has had to endure Austin's obsession with keeping her safe and his obsession is only getting worse. Forbidden from town, escorted around the ranch, men standing on guard around the house and his absolute refusal to ever let any conversation about her going into the city play out. You would swear she is the queen of fucking England at this point given the amount of security she has around her. She has had enough, Austin needs to calm the fuck down. Not even Mitch's growlings pacify him, and Louis always takes his side.

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