Chapter 9

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A/N: Hey guys! I hope you like this chapter! I think this one may be my favorite so far so please vote for it! I know I updated within two days, but I was excited so I couldn't wait much longer! This is just a pic of Crystal sitting at Danny's grave after the funeral. (You just have to read) xD


Amber and I waited for Crystal to get back from Melissa's house. I texted her and told her that I needed to talk to her. The plan was to make it seem like I was still in love with my girlfriend who died. "My girlfriend" would be Amber. Amber was just there to help me with everything. She wasn't going to be seen by Crystal. I was going to confess everything to Crystal. I was going to say that I ran away from my home town because Amber was such a huge part of the community and everywhere I looked she was there, and I just needed to be with her again. I was going to say that I some times hear her calling me. Then, I was going to pull out a gun and shoot myself. I would probably traumatize her for life, but I could always come back and tell her the truth or that I was okay.

Amber walked around her room and looked at the little things she had. Crystal had a wall of pictures of her friends, us, and cool pictures she found on the internet. I really liked it. Amber just smiled at it and then looked at me. "What?" I smiled.

"Her room is so pretty. It's a shame it's going to be covered in blood." She giggled evilly. I've never seen her like this before.

"You don't have to be mean. I'm doing this for you." I smirked.

"I know. I appreciate it." She smiled and walked over to the bed and sat on my lap. 

"Okay, so just to let you know, Crystal and I have ever made out like super hard. So if you ever wanna fuck, then you can't judge." I teased her. She giggled and slapped me.

"Danny, I don't wanna fuck." She couldn't stop laughing.

"Okay because like two days ago, Crystal really wanted to and I like freaked out. It was not my best moment." 

"What do you mean she really wanted to?"

"She took off her clothes and stuff. The night I was late to Fallon's was when it happened. But I stopped. So you should be proud of me."

"Danny, I knew you wouldn't have sex with her."


"Because you don't even know what sex is." She giggled. "I mean you know, but you don't have a clue."

"Well, you could show me." I smirked.

"I will get the porn site up when we get home, babe." She giggled and kissed me.

"Uh huh." I just went along with it. I felt so stupid for missing out on about 10 years of life. We heard the front door open and footsteps grew louder as they made their way down the hall. "Show time." I whispered and smacked Amber's butt as she stood up. She gave me a playful look and then became invisible. I channeled my inner sadness and let tears begin flowing down my face.

I put my face in my hands as Crystal walked in. "Oh my god! Danny! Are you okay?" She ran towards me and hugged me. "What's wrong? Danny?"

"I need to tell you something." I got out in between sobs.

"What is it? I'm here." She rubbed my back.

"I am still in love with my girlfriend." 

"What?" Her voice became shaky and she stopped rubbing my back.

"She died about 5 months ago. She was raped and killed. I lost everything whenever I lost her." I cried. Crystal was silent and emotionless. "I ran away from home. I couldn't take being around everyone who loved her just as much as I did. I'm from a very small town and she was such a big part of everyone's lives."

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