Chapter 8

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A/N: Hey guys! I hope you all like the book so far! I kinda think it's getting a little better? Maybe? I have read the first 5 chapters so many times before and I'm just glad I am rewriting the whole thing.

So this is a picture of Fallon! I think this little girl is adorable! Hope you all enjoy the book!

I followed Amber out the door, but there was no sign of her anywhere. I looked around all the neighboring doors and portals. I went to Venice Beach to see if she was with that guy she briefly dated. I didn't see anything. I went to Fallon's house. Nothing. Where was she?

I gave up and went back to her house and sat on the couch. Hours later, Amber walked inside. I quickly got up and rushed over to her. "Where did you go?" I asked.

"A friends." She sounded weak, exhausted.

"Are you okay?"

"Just tired. I need to rest." She said and slowly made her way upstairs. I phased my way through the ceiling and met her in her room.

"Are you okay? I'm sorry if I did anything to upset you." I told her as she made her way to the bed.

"Nothing is your fault. Can you go? I want to go to bed." She mumbled as she landed on the bed.

"Yeah, be safe." I said and made my way out, shutting the door. I hope she didn't hate me.

I went back to my house and sat on the couch. Why was Amber being so weird? I thought about it for a while, but couldn't figure out a logical answer. I thought about how I thought if her all the time and how I got jealous when she kissed that Guy from Venice. I finally drifted off to sleep hours later.

The next morning, I went to HQ and got some energy. I figured out that I could eat real food, it just wouldn't do me any good. I checked my phone and I didn't see anything from Amber. I was really disappointed, so I decided to call her and see if she was okay.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey, are you okay? You have been acting super weird lately and I just want to make sure everything is okay." I told her.

"Yeah, Danny, I'm fine. I just," she paused. "I don't think we should hang out that much anymore." My heart sank.

"What? Why?" I asked.

"Well, you have Crystal and I think it's weird if you are hanging around two girls." She explained to me.

"Amber, you are my friend. That's it. She has nothing to worry about."

"Exactly." And then the line went dead. What was that supposed to mean? Exactly what? Why did girls have to be so fucking confusing. Just tell me what the fuck you mean. I'm not Sherlock Holmes. What if she liked me? No, if she liked me then she would want me around. Right?

I gathered myself and I went to Crystal's place. It was just before dawn in Venic Beach and I just sat outside on the fire escape. I probably looked like a total stalker, but oh well. Crystal was so pretty and looked so gorgeous and relaxed when she was sleeping. It was relaxing to watch her sleep. Ghosts don't really sleep. We just rest ourselves. Like charging your phone, I guess.

I decided to phase into her room and I slowly made my way into her bed. She didn't seem to notice me. I hope she wasn't super mad about how I left last night. I laid in her bed with my arms wrapped around her warm body for a couple hours before her father walked into her room and woke her up. I turned invisible before he could see the bed.

"Crystal, time to get up. We have to go to your Melissa's house." He said as she sat up.

"What? Why?" She rubbed her eyes and stretched.

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