🖤 The Werewolf 🖤

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"How far is it acceptable to go in the name of freedom?"





❄️ Name: ❄️
Noel Zae Waters

❄️ Nicknames: ❄️
Elle, Ella

❄️ Age: ❄️

❄️ Gender: ❄️

❄️ Species: ❄️

❄️ Languages: ❄️

❄️ Born In: ❄️
Snow Peak Pack

❄️ Resides In: ❄️
Strife Pond Pack

❄️ Personality Traits: ❄️
- Confrontational. Noel draws her lines in the sand pretty clearly. So if you cross one of those lines, or say something out of line, she is likely to speak up and hold you to your words or actions.
- Protective. While this only applies to those she cares for, she will be very fiercely protective over those, even at the risk of her own safety.
- Loyal. If you can trust anything, you can trust that of you are Noel's friend, family, or lover, she will absolutely never break your trust.
- Giggly. While she's not always the most talkative or open, she does tend to be a bit silly, enjoying stupid jokes and messing around.
- Clingy. Mostly with friends and lovers, but once Noel is attached to you, she will likely be... attached to you.
- Curious. There's a lot of things that Noel doesn't know about, and when she comes across such things, she's gonna ask one hundred percent of the time, unless she finds it inappropriate to do so. Sometimes this ends in her seeming like she's clueless or badgering with questions, but she truly just wants to know.
- Terrible liar. A good or bad thing, depending on who you are, but Noel cannot lie to save herself. Her face almost always gives it away.

❄️ Height: ❄️
5' 2"

❄️ Eye Color: ❄️
Light blue, the color of a stream

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