Shut Up

20 3 0

Shut up
Your not the boss of me
You don't get to rule me
Shut up
It's only fair since you've been so mean
Shut your little mouth that throws insults at me everyday
I am stronger than you
And your words
Shut up
You have no right
Shut up
Stop trying to embarrass me
I am higher than your foolish choices
Shut up
I'm not worthless
Your attempts are
Shut up
I will not die
I have healed all your wounds already
Shut up
Think about what you say
Because I grow stronger because of them everyday
Shut up
Stop being a jerk and a brat 24/7
Listen to what other people to say
Shut up
You will not hurt me anymore
You will not be the reason why I cry
That stops
So I just suggest you shut up

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