Locked Out

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You lock me out
Push me away
You always say
Go away
Come again some other day
I try to help you
With that pain inside
I try and reach out
But you never grab on
If you want me to listen
To your painful story
I will listen
I promise
We always had each other
But now you are drifting away
I try and catch you
But I think I am too late
You are off with other people
Too busy with life to say hi
I thought we were close
What did I do wrong?
I lost someone I love
And that someone is you
My biggest fear has finally come true
I don't know why you won't tell me about what's going on
I thought we trusted each other
I trust you
But now my hope is dimming
The candle almost blown out
I don't want to lose hope
But I might as well
Another heart broken
Another door shut
Another friend lost
Another tear shed
I want to be there for you
I'm trying
But your not
You locked me out of your life
Was it because I wasn't good enough?
Did you only pity me?
Right from the start
Then you had to leave
And break my scarred heart
I just want you to let me peek into your pain
Try and make your sorrow go down the drain
I want to listen to you talk
And laugh like old times
This friendship is special
Because you are extremely special and extra-ordinary
I don't need to help fix your life
I just want my best friend back
You don't have to be superman
But I know you are
Save your own life
Then others
But I know it doesn't work like that
Just please let me in
Don't lock me out
If you don't want to let me in then it's okay
You have your complicated reasons
But if it is to not drag me into your mess
I would be glad to accept
I would love to be dragged into your life
This poem is filled with pain, sorrow, and memories
But the thing is...
I just want you
I just want the old Audrey back 😶

Dedicated to Guppie217 😌
<3 No matter what happens, your still amazing. You will make it through this.

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