Miserable But Hopeful

14 2 0

Contains vegetable language so read at your own risk...
Today I have felt every single bad feeling that you could ever feel and more
So yes, as you guessed....
I had a bad day
I beat myself up again today
And other people did too
Even if they didn't mean it
But come on, just back off please
Can't you see that you're really not helping?
Because it's just making me feel more miserable and mad
So yeh, I guess my attitude was sometimes like shiit...ake mushrooms
But I tried to pull through today
Throughout all of the bad
And tried to find good
At the end I did
It was spirit that put a smile on my face
It was my hope that stuff would look up
And ya know what?
I guess it did
Cause I was no longer miserable
Because I had hope
A/N: Okay, so I don't really have anything to say other than thnx a lot everyone (: I did have a bad day, but hey! That's LIFE. Btw I like NEVER swear, especially in writing. I actually think it's a first timer. Yippie!! I technically didn't swear because I said shiitake mushrooms instead of the real thing hahaha lol. K that's it!! Bye! >_<

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