Last Day

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What if today was your last day
Your last chance to ever walk on this earth
What would you do?
Would you keep your wealth, or share it
Would you hold your mom's hand, or would you be too embarrassed
Would you play catch with your dad, or not have the time for it
Would you take chances, or not risk it
Would you stand up for yourself, or stay quiet
Would you thank your friends and family for everything, or point out what they did wrong
Would you forgive the people who did something wrong, or hold a grudge against them forever
Would you follow your dreams, or forget them and leave them in the dust to rot
Now this list could go on and on forever
But here's the question:
What would you do on your last day?
Live everyday like it's your last people. Time is precious, don't waste it. Stay in the moment (:

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