Just Thoughts

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A lot is going on
I guess it's hard to explain
But it's kinda like stuff is falling apart
While others are piecing back together
And you don't really know what's going on
But you know it's a lot
You are lost in the world
You are blinded by your own ignorance, fear, innocence, and failure
Nothing really isn't good or bad...
But I guess you could say that life is very unfair
It has a kinda cruel twist to it
You always have to pay a price
But that also comes with joy and forgiveness
Redemption and recognition
Love and bravery
Nothing lasts forever
Or maybe it does
Who really knows
I hate when people judge other people
Maybe because they have boys over (or girls),
Or if they have tattoos/piercings
Or maybe if you catch them doing something bad just in that moment
Give them a chance
This is just a jumble of thoughts
I guess I'll do this again
Because these are just thoughts

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