A Past Unsettled

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As Lan walked along the beach, the sound of the waves crashing in the distance, his thoughts drifted back to a quiet evening at the White Tower. The dining hall was filled with the soft murmur of voices, the familiar faces of Aes Sedai and their Warders around him, all sharing the evening meal under the gentle glow of candlelight.

Siuan was seated at the head of the table, maintaining her poised and regal demeanor as the Amyrlin Seat. Elara and Elayne sat near Lan, just close enough for him to notice their stolen glances and hushed exchanges. They had been flirty all evening, smiling softly at each other, sharing small touches and lingering looks. It was the kind of innocent affection that might have gone unnoticed—if they weren't the center of Moiraine's ever-watchful gaze.

Then, in a moment that stretched longer than it should have, Elara slipped her hand beneath the table, her fingers seeking out Elayne's. The two of them held hands, their connection so palpable it made Lan's chest tighten with a mix of affection and worry. He gave Elara a nudge with his foot under the table, hoping she'd get the hint before Moiraine noticed. But Moiraine had already seen, and her eyes, sharp as steel, narrowed at the sight.

Elara froze, immediately letting go of Elayne's hand. Moiraine's expression was stern, her disapproval evident in the way she held herself rigid. "Excuse me," she said, rising from her seat with a grace that only deepened the tension around the table. Elara and Elayne looked down, avoiding eye contact with anyone else, their cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Siuan observed the scene with her usual calm, but after a moment, she too rose from the table, following Moiraine with a knowing look. Lan sighed, glancing over at Elara, his heart heavy with the knowledge that this moment had been building for a while.

He leaned in closer to her, keeping his voice low. "Looks like it's come to light. I'm guessing you haven't told them yet."

Elara rolled her eyes, her irritation barely masking her anxiety. "What does your bond tell you? Is she angry?"

Lan shrugged, offering her a slight smile. "You know your mother. But you'd do best to speak with them yourself, little one."

Elara exhaled heavily, glancing at Elayne with an apologetic look. "Don't worry, I'll handle this," she said, steeling herself with a determined nod.

Elayne's eyes were wide with concern. "Should I come with you?" she asked her voice almost a whisper.

Elara shook her head, forcing a reassuring smile. "I'll be alright. I'll come to see you later this evening."

As Elara stood to leave, Lan watched her go, his heart heavy with the weight of the unspoken words between them all. He knew how much this meant to her, and he knew just as well the pain that was likely to come. Moiraine would not relent easily, and he could already see the storm on the horizon.

The memory faded as Lan returned to the present, feeling the weight of Elara's limp body in his arms. He held her a little closer, brushing his lips against her forehead. "I've got you, little one," he whispered, the words soft and steady, as though the memory itself had reinforced his resolve. "Just stay with us."

Moiraine's mind drifted back to a memory that stung like an old wound, buried deep but never truly forgotten. She remembered the argument she'd had with Elara about Elayne, standing in the familiar warmth of her bed chamber. The glow of the fireplace cast flickering shadows as she, Siuan, and Elara stood there, emotions running high, voices raised.

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⏰ Last updated: 3 days ago ⏰

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