Square one

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At about the year and a half mark Yui had gotten adjusted. still fidgety at times,but adjusted. the boys decided that they would keep the new found discovery that the sakamakis were looking for her a secret. so they decided to take her too a night club seeing she was ready. while their Yui seemed to be having a good time,while not leaving axels side. Zach had noticed someone looking at her with a bewildered look in their eyes. he Had linked with emery and they went to confront the man, saying they were going to get drinks. Yui was clueless, and had no reason to be suspicious. she had gotten used to the vampire-donor situation. knowing that drinking other liquids more frequently helps avoid temptation. Behind the store though, emery and zach went from being the nicest people in the world, to being vampires. Emery slammed the man against the wall "You were looking at that girl strangely,why"

he was frozen. "Check his pockets"

Zach went inside the mans jacket. "lets see" he sang

"Cigarettes,wallet,blood bag, and a check made for 4 gran attached to something"

He pulled it out and showed a paper,with a picture of Yui on it.they both flared with dangerous amounts of anger.

"Where'd you get the paper, and I suggest you don't lie"

He started to cry but the boys didn't care "the men, they told me to find her for them"

Emery smiled evilly "well you go back to them, say you found out she had run away back to them."
He broke one of the men's wrists "and I suggest you don't wait too long"

The mans screams were muffled by an apple he had put in his mouth that was filled with burning chemicals inside. "run along now" emery broke his other wrist
"Say a word of this to anyone"
He punched the man in the stomach "and we will kill you"

The man fell onto the ground groaning in pain. the boys walked away and tossed back the drawing of Yui.

They acted as if nothing had gone wrong. and were just as caring and loving towards Yui because they couldn't bear to see her scared. but a few months following the incident a man came to the house while Yui was their alone. he took her and damaged her. kniving her and telling of all the horrible deeds the boys had taken part in.
When the boys found hEr, many bones were broken, she had lost a lot of blood, and somehow the boys had convinced her that the man had been telling her nothing but lies.
Later in the years though they killed the man with a message, 'keep your hands off the merchandise'
This happened many times until it caught wind to the brothers.

Yui began gaining consciousness. she felt stiff again, and heard the light hum of a car on the highway. she opened her eyes. the car didn't have handles on the backseat, which was where she was. she looked at ayato who was in the drivers seat. a sigh came out of her, the mans eyes flickered to her. "Good morning sunshine" he smiled.
She stayed silent, and just stared at him filled with a haunting fear. he looked back at her
"Did you sleep comfortably"
No response in the least bit of favors
"Your silence is deafening"
Reactions were nonexistent and the silence was louder than ever thought possible.
"Why won't you say anything"
The girl blinked a couple of times. "look Yui I get your scared of me, but say something. anything at all. even if its abuse, or whining, or quantum physics."
He sighed after a few seconds and then she said in the smallest whisper "whenever the Chinese have a secret they dig a really deep hole they whisper the secret into the whole and bury it back up. and it stays their"
Ayato smiled "where'd you hear that from" but Yui simply moved so she was on the other side of the seat so he couldn't see her. Ayato sighed seeing her silence as a hint of uncomfortableness . He went onto another highway, he tossed back a granola bar and a juice box. "it's not much, but it should keep you handled until we reach the next rest stop" the girls small hands tore the wrapper off the granola bar, then turned back around to her secluded position.
Ayato smiled at her defiance to talk. four years they had been looking for her, and know they had found her.

All the brothers had hoped that she would be happy to see them. because she had been terrified of the other coven of vampires. that'd shshe feel rescued and be filled with gratitude.

They had been terribly wrong. she was terrified of them, filled with silence of fear. as gentle as porcelain, it was like walking on eggshells. they had finally realized what they had done wrong with her. that many of the deeds they performed on her were unrightous under any circumstances. also one vvery very important tthing

They were had a deep love for her. in the romantically terms of course.

They drove in silence. ayato, whom had always had a claim on her, felt fully responsible for her silence. and had come alone to get Yui.
The voiding silence went on for hours. they stopped at a McDonalds,ayato ordered something for the both of them and drove on. Yui sat up as she took it, looking like she just woke up.
She was awfully hungry, it made sense. halfway through her cheeseburger she asked "where are we"
Ayatos eyebrows went up "so your speaking to me now"
Yui glared at him and laid back down "never mind, forget I spoke"
"We are in Japan. we took one strait flight from Wisconsin to a hidden airport. and we are about 5 hours away from the mansion"
The girl touched her forehead. a side effect to the drugs he had given her. he grabbed a bottle of painkillers of some sort and a water bottle and handed it to her "take three of these. it'll make you go to sleep. but it'll get rid of the pain."

She took them without question, but a skeptical look on her face. In less than half an hour she was in a dreamless sleep. Ayato smiled. She'd be out for about eight hours. More then enough to get her to the house and all settled in.

The rest of the drive was silent, other than yui's nearly undetectable breathing patterns. She had changed dramatically. Her hair was longer and more loose. It had gone into a camelish color. Her skin had the tiniest resemblance of a tan. her eyes... he smiled.... had more lights than vegas. This was bittersweet.

Five hours later he arrived at the sakamaki households driveway. The brothers had all lost hope of finding Yui, accepting that she had been killed. all except one. Subaru and a few of the others came out to greet ayato "wwhere've you been"
"I was just getting" he gestured to the car. "Something" shuu looked into the vehicle "that's not" he smiled.
Ayato smirked "it is"
He opened the door, and gentle as ever thought possible, picked up the girl. he carried her inside, and almost immediately everyone started gathering around him. "You found her, where"

His smirk went away "Somewhere... not nice"

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