Prologue to hell

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I'm sorry its been so long. Writers block is the worst. I'm trying now I swear

Also 'Potionsinmotions' is real, and its my new Tumblr, go check it out. Look for the lotus flower.


Coming back downstairs it was like nothing had happened. Axel looked completely calm collected like he hadn't just mentally manipulated another vampire. He went sat down and waited with a strong black coffee sipping it while reading something on his phones. The other two were fully aware of what had occurred yet seemed like they didn't notice or more accurately simply didn't care. Then a few minutes later Reiji finally came down, eyes wide, back stiff, and still scared out of his mind. The sakamakis didn't really pay attention to there brother only being sunken in there own anger over the addressed injuries.

None of them really ever cared about one another so it was fine really. Too much time of jealousy and envy, too much hate for brotherly affection.
Reiji wasn't listening to those thoughts of his childhood. The three who had kept Yui for those years, were monsters absolute monsters.
Then the blonde one who had gone for a refill, had his hand on his arm. A fingernail digging through the skin painfully.
"I bet you'd like to think we're the only monsters in the room." He said in a soft gentle voice, like he was comforting someone. Reiji flinched as a single pinky glided across his cheek.
The blonde then walked away sat down next to the other Boys, once again as if nothing had just occurred how.
His back hit the chair in relief, the tension in his body trying to seep out the stress but it not working. He looked at the other one with the auburn hair who was just smirking, and then his eyebrows went up and down playfully.

As you know the arrogant cocky vampires never would have imagined that to someone just a few steps above on the food chain, they were nothing more than a blob of clay to be molded with. So Reiji, the one who thought that he was the most powerful in the sakamaki's which arguably he was, had been stepped on like the cockroach he was.

Axel went to his own group before whispering so quietly literally no one else could here.

"Do we know anything else yet?"

Zach shook his head "I went to the bathroom by her room while you were gone. I listened and she's still on a ventilator. Her wounds are healing but I'm not sure about her mind. I'm not sure how to get in, she's made a shield of some sorts protecting her from anyone trying to get in."

"All normal things are working" Emery said, "I went into the mind of one of her nurses earlier. Her body is working fine, over working as expected. Her lungs should be working by now but for whatever reason there not."

"The bite mark" Axel murmured

"My thoughts precisely" the brown haired boy whispered back, "bites like that can't be ignored, and this parasite put the fangs in deep. Its the same kind as our lovely red headed friends, the look of the bite and the effects of it are similar. Bite lightly damages the lungs in question, a precaution in case blood slavery is involved. Obvious as it was with the Sakamaki's and the Mukami's when Yui was with them."

"Now what," Zach muttered.

"One of the friends she made, y'know the ones that are in our bench, the red headed with is quite powerful. I was able to get him to make me a potion to help with the healing. Also to get him to dye his hair a different color, gave him $500 to get it professionally done. Both took little to no convincing."

Thankfully too, all of them knew what would happen otherwise.

"I put the potion into her about an hour ago when all the nurses were changing stations. the effects should have started taking affect almost immediately, her breathing will be better than it was before."

In that moment they heard Laito and Ayato laugh a little too loud.

The three of them grimaced,

"What do we do about the three of them." Zach exclaimed in annoyance.

"Keep them the hell away from Yui" Emery said.

"Don't worry about them bothering. I went after the one with glasses earlier, scared him down to his ice cold parasitic heart. I'll get to the rest of them soon. It'll keep them away."

"Good," the two of them said "Don't let up on them. Give them absolute and unforgiving hell. None of them have gotten punishment yet."

Zach locked eyes with Axel

"Give it to them. No mercy."

In that they all agreed, and so hell began. 

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