The first time I saw you

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The Americans were much less to say pissed. The vampires who had brought her in to the supernatural mess had dragged her in and had her run over by a truck. .
No one knew how they somehow managed to get the girl all the way to Japan without their notice. they cold tell by the fact that her senses were so obscured she got hit by a car in a blizzard.
She didnt even like the snow.

They had been looking everywhere, every security camera, audio recording and footsteps the past two months she had been missing. how did they miss this in the wake. all the way to the point where they were notified because the girls injuries were so severe.

In minutes they had rented a luxury condo for six months or less, gotten flights to her location that were 5x faster than normal legal human plane at a small
Airport a half hour away. the flight left in an hour.
Rental cars were in place. Axel was gathering all of Yui's known medical history. it went all the way to know that her mom had been vaccinated as a baby and that her great great aunt got chicken pox at the age of nine.
Emery being the best in his area packed things for Yui. They all knew she would be uncomfortable with whatever the sakamakis had provided.
Within an hour and a half they were in the sky at speeds that made it so anyone who looked in their directions wouldn't be able to see them.
To give some more incentives emery put his red hoodie on, placed his headphones in and started playing Yui's favorite song.

Then the irony clicked. the jacket which smelled deeply of her with a few blonde hairs here and there.
This was from the plane ride. not just any plane ride but THAT legendary plane ride. the first one with Yui. shy timid and vampire scarred Yui with bandages in her hands and shock in her eyes.
He remembered falling asleep and waking up with her there.
How he could see the effects constant blood loss had done to her.
Then he started to remember something else . back, so very deep.
His eyes shut.
Then suddenly they opened. it was back at the house but something was different.
His hair was shorter and axel had his old pair of glasses on. the car didnt have that scratch yet.
Zach was the one looking through the mail.
"Someone from the monitoring center sent us a request."
Emery himself was brushing his teeth. "the monitoring center!"
he called to Zach from the bathroom
"What do they want."
Axel took the letter from Zach
"They want us to go spy on one of the covens in another species of vampires."
"Make sure they're following the rules."
Zach offered. axel nodded
"We probably won't find anything."
Axel grabbed his doctors bag preparing to head out.
Emery walked in finally looking at the letter
"The sakamakis?" humph "we're going to Asia"
Axel looked at the letter "somewhere in hidden Japan to be in fact. II'll get some time off."
The boys all agreed it was better to do it sooner rather than later.
Flights were schedules, rental car and hotel reservations made in advance. they didn't expect to find anything. the sakamakis were good at keeping everything so it looked clean, nice, and tidy to the rest of the world.

So they flew to an unnamed location in Japan. it was night because, ha ha, the sakamakis were stereotypical nocturnal vampires. the whole idea itself had a sense of irony.
It was alright, there were always a few book vampires. the house was big and looked haunted, with eery purple lights inside. they had several different sections each person living in the house needed filled. house life, school behavior, out of school activities. it would take three days at least to fill out.
Everyone was creepy. the boy, kananto who had murdered their mother, carried a demented teddy bear around. the one with the headphones in, he took a bath with the headphones in. the tall really Asian looking one with the glasses, reiji, he was terrifying. the way he dressed, looked, talked, was the man in black. There were at least 5, and maybe even 6 people living in the house so they had to get the rest. the young man with purple hair didn't raise any suspicion at all strangely. then the stragglers.
The two red headed twins, it was a fact that they existed. Yet they were no where to be found. both there rooms were empty.

It took about an hour to find them and when they did it was Dracula and Carrie mixed together. the first thing they saw was her long platinum blonde hair and porcelain skin. her heart was beating rapidly as was her breath patterns went insane.
Emery immediately signaled axel and Zach. a whimper of pain came out of the girls mouth.
The smell of blood filled emery, and it was nice. kind with a lot of fear.
He decided he was going to look at her using a potion the witches had provided him with. it made it so you can see through whatever you wish in any angle you wish it.
This was needed, so down it went. it tasted awful and blocked you vision for 25 seconds but that was it.
I opened my eyes and then I saw her, and she was beautiful. All of her features perfect as a china doll. slight blush on her cheeks, tiny little hands, pink blouse and black skirt. her eyes, though filled with fear, were gorgeous little beauties, a color in between rubies and pearls.

Then he saw him. the bastard that was causing the harm, breaking the china. his eyes were a disgusting shade of green that made his stomach revolt. his hair was a color so dark, you might literally mistake it for a bad red wine. his clothes were tattered like a homeless person, he was so tall he touched the sky and so skinnily thin that he seemed all he contained were hard cold bones. his sharp fangs pierced the girls fragile skin, taking blood without mercy or any indication of caring about the human whose blood it was coming from. it made emery sick.
"Please ... stop" the girl begged as her blood was being drained out of her.
They'd have her, emery thought
They'd get that poor girl out of the hell house as fast and far away as they could.
'I'll keep you safe when I have you' emery silently promised 'just hold on a little longer.'
The nameless girl fainted at the loss of blood. The promise melted into him, as a feeling of care and love came towards the girl whom he had just discovered.
"There's a million things I haven't done."
He whispered "but just you wait beautiful."

Alright I used the most amazing hamilton reference. not mine but the amazingly talented Lin Manuel Miranda.

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