Chapter One

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"You're telling me someone actually wants me?" I ask managing to choke up a laugh. My case worker glares at me intently and I stop laughing. She doesn't get it. I'd been back and forth from the foster homes to the group home so many times, someone wanting to foster was hilarious.
"They say they grew up with your parents. They want to take you in as a foster. They feel you'd be a great impact on their children," my caseworker explains.
"How many kids do they have?" I question carefully rubbing my temples. A knock at the door kept her from replying.
"Ah, come in!" She exclaims opening the door to a man and a woman who look around middle aged. They smile and sit across from me.
"I'm Cara Jameson and this is my husband Randy," the lady explains smiling. Randy waves a hello.
"Well you guys must know my names Alex," I say awkwardly. I shift awkwardly in my chair as Randy, Cara and my caseworkers talk amongst themselves. I twiddle with my fingers as they continue to talk.
"So Alex, are you up for a change?" Cara asks. I give her a look.
"Well let's see, with the amount of times I've been brought back here, I am completely unsure how to feel about this," I admit honesty.
"Alex hasn't had the best experience as a foster," my caseworker tries to cover up.
"Well I can assure you, our children are excited to have another person living with them! And we are excited as well, I personally am, I've always wanted a girl!" Cara defends smiling and bubbly.
"I wouldn't mind living with you guys, if you wouldn't mind," I say softly and Cara smiles.
"I guess you're going to a new home, great!" My caseworker smiles.
"What materials do you have here?" Randy asks, finally speaking up.
"Uh, a few outfits, I don't really like asking the people here for stuff," I state and Cara smiles. This lady smiles a lot.
"Cellphones aren't really given out here because our lack of expenses. Also, Alex is definitely the last person to come up and ask for things. I noticed she really despises asking for things," my caseworker explains.
"Well when we get home, we'll go shopping!" Cara explains.
"Looks like you're coming with us kid," Randy smiles and for once, so do I.
"How many kids do you have?" I ask Cara when we get on the plane and we are sitting.
"Well you see, I have six boys," she explains flipping through a magazine.
"Six, wow. How do you even memorize all those names?" I question and she laughs.
"The oldest, he's 19, is Justin. He's the jock of our family. The next one is Tyler and he's 18. He's the actor of the family. Next is Danny, he's 17, and he enjoys jokes and everything. Next is Luke, he's 16 and he's the prankster. Then there's Jacob and he's 15. He's just all around the easy going one. Lastly is my youngest who's 6 and his name is Manny. He's the cuddle bug," Cara explains smiling at me.
"I don't think I've lived with that many boys even bouncing in and out of foster homes," I chuckle nervously.
"It'll be fine. They all already know we were looking to bring someone home when we came here to visit," she reassures me. I nod and direct my attention towards the mini TV screen.
"You're going to love Florida!" She gushes before playing her music. Great. Florida. I hadn't even left the state of New Jersey and they expect me to move all the way to Florida. Good thing I didn't like Jersey. This should be fun. Life with 6 boys. My life. My life with boys. Oh god.
"So, are you ready to meet them?" Cara asks as we pull up in to her driveway. We had just went shopping and now we are here.
"I guess there's no turning back now," I sigh and Cara squeezes my hand encouragingly. I nod and grab my bags getting out of the car.
"Boys! We're home!" Cara yells when she opens the door. All of a sudden it sounds like a herd of animals running down the stairs. Soon I'm surrounded by 5 extremely attractive guys and 1 adorable little one.
"Justin, Tyler, Danny, Luke, Jacob, Manny, meet Alex. Alex meet the boys!" Cara introduces. The boys look at me and I shift uncomfortably.
"Luke and Jacob, she'll be rooming next to your room so show her to her room, please," Cara says smiling. The boys nod and I follow them robotically up the stairs down a hallway and to a blank room.
"I'm Jacob, by the way," the one with the SnapBack and earrings introduces. So he's the 15 year old.
"Well obviously, I'm Luke," the one with the brown eyes and quiff like hair explains. He's the 16 year old. Man I got this.
"Hey guys, mom wants me to take Alex shopping for paint colors. You two wanna come?" Justin asks as he comes barreling in to the room with Tyler jumping on him.
"Oh yeah we'd love to join!" Luke and Jacob announce cheerfully. Great. Me and four guys.
"Let's go, mom also wants us to by you a phone too so we better hurry," Tyler exclaims dragging me out of my room. This should be fun.
"I-I don't need a phone though," I argue as I spot Cara in the kitchen.
"Nonsense, we all get a phone on a plan we have and you happen to get the free one on the plan," Cara argues smiling. "Now you two should be on your way! Shoo shoo!" She adds jokingly. We all make our way out to the driveway and Jacob opens his door and let's me go in first.
"If we get kicked out, don't worry, it wouldn't be the first time," Justin reassures me. Oh, getting kicked out, I'm used to be being kicked out.
"That's fine, I once got kicked out of and banned from a strip mall or whatever they call those things," I admit laughing. They all turn to look at me with their jaws dropped. "What? I didn't know we weren't supposed to skate around the area!" I defend and they laugh at me.
"Did you miss the no skating sign?" Luke asks poking me.
"Haha, you're funny," I mock sticking my tongue out at him.
"I have a feeling you're going to fit right in with us," Tyler laughs high-fiving me. Maybe this whole change wouldn't be so bad after all.
We stumble in the house laughing which earns us a look from everyone.
"Did you guys ruin her already?" Danny asks as he sets the kitchen table.
"Hey, we don't ruin anyone!" Luke defends giving him a pointed look.
"Go upstairs, wash up, put everything away. Dinner will be ready soon," Cara states looking at us. Tyler and Justin bring the paint cans in my room before excusing themselves to their own. I go in to the bathroom next to my room and wash up. Right as I finish, Cara calls us down for dinner.
"So as you know, you do have to go to school tomorrow," Cara states and I nod. "You'll be a sophomore like Luke and Jacob, So I requested they give you the same classes as him so you won't be lost, okay?" Cara explains. I nod again.
"Well you all should probably get ready for bed, you have to get up at 5:30, Tyler leaves the house to drop everyone off by 7:00 so be sure to be downstairs before then," Randy explains. Everyone puts away their dishes before saying their goodnights and making their way to their rooms. Maybe my life with boys won't be that bad. I pick out my outfit, turn my alarm on my iPhone, the first phone I've ever had, and lay down. My phone vibrates and I turn to it confused.
From: Jacob The Best
stop reading this text and go to sleep (;
To: Jacob The Best
Wow okay, goodnight Jacob the not best
From: Jacob The Best
that hurts Alex. Right in the heart
To: Jacob the Best
Goodnight Jameson (((:
I lock my phone and smile before going to bed.

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