Chapter Four

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It was impossible not to stare. We were all hanging out in the movie room when Justin suggested we go swimming. So that's what I'm staring at. The Jameson boys all stood in my view 100% shirtless and I was dying.

"I want a piece of that please," Taylor stated nonchalantly pointing at Danny. I rolled my eyes and she smirked. 

"No way, Justin definitely has the best body, you're crazy," Jamie piped as she put lotion on her pale legs. I laughed and looked over at Jacob who had Rosie sitting on his lap on the other side of the pool on a rather small lounge chair. Rosie saw me looking, flipped her hair over her shoulder and commenced to swallowing Jacob's face. 

"Knock it off you two or Rosie is going home," Justin snapped as he held the basketball in his hand. Him and Tyler had been playing pool basketball for a few hours. 

"I just wanna see Rosie gone," Skylar commented finally saying something. Finally, someone not afraid to speak their mind. 

"Ladies," Chance greeted placing his towel on an empty chair before proceeding to cannon ball in to the pool. Skylar giggled at his actions before standing up. 

"I'm going in, McKenna care to join me?" Skylar stated pulling at her best friends arm. McKenna quickly obliged and the two of them eased their way in to the crowd of boys. 

"I'm going in too, you two coming?" Jamie asked taking off her bathing suit cover. I shook my head 'no' as did Taylor.

"So, you likey a Jameson boy," I sang teasingly. Her cheeks quickly blushed faintly but it was still apparent. 

"I do not. Danny's really sweet. I'm kinda glad I got in to some of his classes even though I'm a junior. He's obviously attractive too. I think it runs in the family," she blabbered but the huge grin never left her face. 

"Well, you may be younger but that doesn't matter. Hey, I'm a junior too but you don't see me being in all these senior classes for being overly smart. You're hot, obviously, and you've got brains. What's not to love about you?" I retaliated and she laughed at me. "I'm serious Taylor, if you stick around, that boy is going to fall hard," I added and she sighed. 

"I just don't know, my last relationship was a complete disaster. We had been dating for two years and a few months ago, before I came here actually, I caught him cheating on me, with my cousin. I just don't know if I'm ready to trust a guy right now. It's not really easy," she explained and I completely understood. 

"You coming in?" Austin asked looking at me and I think I forgot how to breathe. There stood Austin Miles shirtless in front of me. 

"Actually, I have to go pick Manny up from his friends house. So, I'll see you guys later," I stammered before getting out of the chair and in to the house. I quickly make my way to my room, pull on a plain t-shirt, a pair of sweatpants and converse before going downstairs running in to someone.   

"Justin told me to drive," Austin stated moving out of my way. Great, Just great. This boy is messing with my head. What is wrong with me? I've barely even known him for more than a week? Does the amount of time I've known him really count? Crushes come at any time, right? "You okay?" Austin questioned waving his hand in front of my face a few times. I nodded and quietly followed him out to his Jeep. I think I like the Jeep more than anyone. It was honestly my dream car and he was driving it. 

"So you know where we're going?" I asked as he pulled out of the driveway. He laughed as he rolled the windows down.

"Sorry bout the smell, I have to carpool five little league kids every week," he explained. "Oh and for the record, yes, I do know where we're going. I've picked Manny up a lot with Luke," he added reassuringly.

"So you're Luke's friend?" I wondered aloud without meaning to. He looked at me before looking back at the road. 

"What do you mean? I'm friends with all the Jameson kids," he replied pulling in to the driveway of a small townhouse. 

"I know, it's just when I first met you, I thought you were Jacob's friend but it seems like you do the best you can to keep your distance from him whenever you can," I explained and he nodded.

"Jacob's been getting on my nerves recently. I mean he used to be my best friend in elementary school but I got closer to Luke. Is that cool?" he laughed and I smacked him lightly. 

"I was just wondering, jeez, let a girl live," I argued before getting out of the car, walking up the driveway. 

"Alex!" Manny yelled tackling in to my legs. The lady in the doorway looked at me confused. 

"Um, who are you?" she asked and I looked back at Austin for help. He shrugged and I glared at him. 

"I'm staying with the Jamesons, the boys are hanging out so Justin asked me to come pick Manny," I explained and she gave me a pointed look. 

"I've known the Jamesons for years, they've never even planned on taking in help. Manny are you sure she's supposed to be picking you up?" the lady questioned directed her attention to the little boy in my arms.

"Yeah! She sleeps in the bedroom next to mine!" Manny replied playing with my hair. With that, I walked out to the jeep and buckled Manny in the backseat. 


"Where are we going?" I asked as Austin dragged me back out to his jeep. He smiled before getting in to the drivers seat. "That doesn't answer my question!" I exclaimed before climbing in the passenger seat.

"Justin said I could take you out till 8 and I know how much you hate being stuck in that house with Rosie so, I'm taking you to my favorite spot," he explained rolling down the windows. I smiled at him gratefully before leaning my head against the window. 

"So, I hope you brought the change of clothes I told you to bring," Austin started as he led me out of the jeep in front of a huge lake. 

"I wore them under my outfit," I explained. He nodded and pulled off his shirt. My breath catches in my throat and I look away before he catches me staring. 

"Hurry up Al," he whined pouting like a little kid. I rolled my eyes before slipping off my sweatpants. I threw them in the window of the jeep before taking off my shoes and doing the same. Slowly and subconsciously, I take off my t-shirt to show the tight tank top I had underneath. Austin smiled before taking my hand in his and leading me slowly in to the water. We swam around for a few hours before he suggested we go get pizza. Never turn down pizza.

"I had so much fun," I gushed as Austin parked in the driveway in front of the house. He looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back not caring about what was going on in the world. "Thank you," I mumbled nervously. 

"Anytime, we should probably go inside before we both get in trouble," he replied before slipping out the drivers seat. I sat for a moment and the realization hit me. I was crushing hard on Austin Miles. With that thought in mind, I got out of the car and went up in to the house joining everyone down in the movie room. Austin patted the spot on the ground next to him and I laid down on my stomach leaving a few inches separating us but he wrapped his arm around me and pulled me close to him not moving his arm. Oh jeez. 

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