Chapter 9

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Taylors POV:

Alex and I rushed into my house and threw random clothes into our duffel bags completely disregarding the abomination that was now my closet.

"Mom!  Dad!  We are going over the Jameson's for a night!"  I called to my parents.

"Taylor!  Come here right now!"  My father yelled up to us.  I shot Alex a panicked look which she returned immediately followed by a sympathetic smile.  I dashed down the steps and swung into the kitchen and took a seat at the island we had, facing my parents.

"Yes mother, father."  I faked a sophisticated english accent.

"Taylor stop fooling around.  We need to talk about Alex."  My mother started.

"What?   You arent kicking her out, are you?"  I spewed as I thought the worst.

"No, of course not.  But I think we should throw her a little get together to celebrate her staying here."  My father finished.

"Oh thats brilliant!  We can invite everyone except Jacob and Rosie of course and we'll have so much fun!  Oh Im excited!"  Alex is going to love this!  I know she doesnt really feel appreciated right now and this will be a great way to show her how much she matters to everybody here.  I'll see who Danny can invite from the senior class, and I'll invite some of my friends-

"Okay, okay Taylor.  Just dont tell her."

"I would never!"  I fake gasped.  Running back up to my bedroom, I burst in on Alex and her worried expression, but I replied with a huge grin.

"Everything okay?"  She asked skeptically.

"Peachy." I replied and threw the rest of my clothes into my bag.  We hopped into my red mini-cooper and drove to the Jameson's.

Once we arrived, we decided to scare the boys, me with Danny and Alex with Justin since they havent seen eachother since Justin left.  She went around the left and I the right.  They were in the pool, Alex and I exchanged glances and we avdvanced towards the boys.  I snuck up behind Danny on the pools edge and grabbed in from behind covering his eyes with my hand.

"Guess who?"  I said in a fake deep accent.

"Um, Niccolo Machiavelli?"

"NO!"  I yelled offened, "I would never be a dictator I love the people." I stated matter of factly.

"I know."  He smiled.

"Guess!"  I demanded going back to my fake accent.

"Um... Galileo?"  He guessed.

"You are correct!"  I lifted my fingers and kissed him on the cheek sliding down next to him, noticing the pink tint on his cheeks.

"What was that?"  He asked getting closer.

"I said you were right."  I deadpanned looking back at him then I noticed the mischievious grin on his face, and his God-like body was dripping wet, and finaly I realized his plan.  I jumped up as fast as I could and sprinted throughout the expanse that was their backyard, with Danny trailing shortly behind.  Softball was really paying off, seeing the back door getting closer I thought I was in the clear until I felt an arm wrap arounf my waist and pulled me into a solid hard rock. 

"Youre getting to fast for me, we're going to have to change that."  He said huskily.  I just giggled and looked into his eyes.  I saw them dart to my lips and back up and I did the same, then I realized that he was leaning in and I-

"OH MY GOSH ITS TAYLOR!"  Tyler yelled breaking our moment.  I looked up at Danny to see an annoyed expression on his face.  I reached on my tip toes and licked his cheek running over to Tyler and giving him a hug.  I havent seen him since school ended an hour ago.  A reunion was needed.

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