Chapter Three

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Today is Friday, two days since Cara and Randy left.  I miss them sure, but i'm still pissed off at Cara for not even listening to me, Jacob too.  He's been giving me the silent treatment ever since I got suspended.  Not that I care I'm doing the same.  That damn Rosie just cant keep her mouth shut and when I try to retaliate to defend myself I get thrown under the bus.  At least Luke and Justin were there to stick up for me, if not I don't know what I would've done.  I'm glad I didn't go back to school, I don't think I could've handled it, the principal, if you could even call him that and Rosie is too much not to mention Jacob who she has wrapped around her finger willing to obey her every command.  Argh!  I hate her so much, if only there was a way to show Jacob who she really is, then maybe this would all go away.  What if I... My thoughts were interrupted by the front door opening and the boys and  their friends coming in.  I rushed down the steps and hugged Justin.  Over the last few days we've grown close ever since the Jacob incident I realized he's going to have my back no matter what.  I pulled back and went to hug everybody else (excluding Jacob and Rosie of course). 

"Hey buddy how's your last day here alone been?" Justin asked.

"Lonely," I frowned, "But you guys are here,so now it's all better!"  I smiled at him.

"Okay, okay, your friendship makes me sick, can we get on with this week please!"  Chance exclaimed and threw his bag down,"ITS TIME TO PARTAY!"  This caused an eruption of hoots and hollers from the group.

"Eh hem!" Danny cleared his throat and pushed a girl forward that I hadn't even noticed, she was gorgeous with light skin and brown eyes, her face was so perfect and she was so tall, her hair had too much volume I was immediately self conscious but I'm me and I can't change that so why feel that way, "This is Taylor, she's an exchange student from Australia and she will be staying with us while mom and dad are gone and before you ask Justin, yes I already asked and they said it was fine thank you."  She gave a small smile and an awkward wave.

"Hi." Taylor almost whispered, though you could hear a faint Aussie accent.

"Hello, my name is Alex welcome!"  I greeted sticking out my hand for her to shake, which she did. 

After everybody greeted Taylor we all made our way to the kitchen to eat our weight in snacks.  We had a great time telling each other funny stories and bonding over junk food. 

"Hey wheres Rosie?" Jacob asked.

"As if anybody cares." I mumbled under my breath.  Jacob glared at me and I glared right back.

"Rosie!" He yelled and went to look for her.

"Okay well now that shes gone, what should we do?"  I asked.

"Movie?" Austin suggested.

"Truth or dare?"  Skylar piped up.

"Lets just watch a movie I don't feel like truth or dare, school sucked my spirit, we can play tomorrow night, lets not forget we have a week to do whatever we want together." Danny reminded everyone.  We all seemed to agree, some more than others. 

"Okay!" Luke announced, "We need blankets and pillows and snacks and furniture moved.  Justin, James, Danny and I will get Blankets; Alex, Taylor, Skylar, and Chance get pillows; McKenna Jamie and Tyler get snacks; and Austin, fine Jacob and Rosie to help you move furniture.  Now go go go!"  A collective groan emerged from all of us.

"Come ladies and boy!  We shall go find le blankets."  I led them up the stairs and we all split up into bedrooms, each person gets two bedrooms. 

I went into my bedroom and grabbed all my pillows, then made my way to Justins to get his, when we all met up back in the hallway we had a race down the stairs.  Not a good idea.  We all tripped from all the pillows and fell down the steps, well at least some of us did.  While Chance and Skylar made it all the way down I got stuck with Taylor and I's bodies tangled.

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