Chapter Two

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I grab my new phone and bolt for the bathroom. With six guys and only three bathrooms, I decided it would be a great idea to wake up an hour for the rest of them. So here I am, awake at 4:30 trying to figure out what to wear. I finally decide on a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, a faded gray tank top and a pair of high tops. Slowly, I make my way to the bathroom and lock the door. I turn the shower on slowly trying not to make too much noise.


"You look amazing!" Cara exclaims when I make my way downstairs. After I took my shower I went up and slept for about an hour before coming downstairs. "I love what you did with your hair!" She adds pointing at it. It was curled somewhat, I liked my hair bouncy and silky.

"Thank you, it didn't take long. I taught myself a few years ago," I reply grabbing my backpack off the floor. There was about an hour before we all left so I take a seat at the kitchen table.

"Wow, impressive. Do you mind going up to Jacob and Luke's room and telling them that breakfast will be ready in five minutes?" she questions. I nod before making my way up the stairs. When I knock on the door there is lots of shuffling before the door finally opens revealing a shirtless Jacob and Luke.

"Breakfast is ready in five," I say pushing hair out of my face. They nod a thank you before rushing to find shirts. I make my way downstairs only to have small hands wrapped around my leg. Instantly, I scoop Manny up in my arms and walk down the stairs with him in my arms. Cara smiles as she places the plates on the table. I had never sat down with everyone for breakfast, or any meal for that matter, in my whole life. I put Manny down and he drags me to a seat, sits down and points to the one next to gesturing for me to sit.

"Mom! Ty won't give me my stuff!" Danny yells as he barrels down the stairs after Tyler. Cara shakes her head continuing to set the table. "Tyler! Give me my phone!" Danny demands chasing Tyler.

"Here lets settle this," Cara states calmly. "Tyler Roy Jameson, give your brother back his phone this instant," she demands softly. Tyler grumbles under his breath as he hands Danny his phone. "You boys get to set up, cook and clean up dinner tonight since your father and I are going out of town. No exceptions!" she adds before clapping her hands together and sitting down at the table. Once everyone has finished their meal, we all rush to make sure we have everything we need since Justin is leaving with or without us fairly soon.


"Alright, so now that you have your locker information, we can stop their before we head to the lunchroom to wait for the official start of school," Jacob explains. I nod and follow him as he leads me down the long hallways. When I get to my locker, I open it easily and he tells me we have to wait all the way in the cafeteria. Why does my locker have to be so far?

"Hey J!" a blonde girl with brown eyes exclaims as he leads us to the table. He hugs her tightly before letting go.

"Guys, meet Alex. She's staying with my family, indefinitely," he introduces. I wave awkwardly at the group of three girls and three guys. "Alex, meet McKenna, Jamie, Skylar, James, Chance, and Austin," he states pointing at them all individually. They all wave and smile. At least they're welcoming.

"Jacob!" a high pitch voice exclaims happily. Jacob turns around and hugs the girl. They seem to forget everyone surrounding them. I sit next to Austin and he smiles at me.

"I'm Austin, even though he already introduced me," he smiles chuckling a little. I smile at him thankful that he made an effort to talk to me. I was trying to remember all the girls by matching their face to their names. Jamie was the blonde. Skylar was the curly/wavy haired brunette and McKenna was the one with slick brunette hair.

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