Chapter 7

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I woke up the next morning in a nest of blankets and pillows. I unlocked my phone and looked at the time, it was 6:15 am. I took my time getting up and getting dressed knowing that I didnt need to be out of the house by 7:00 with the boys. I quietly got ready throwing on some gray sweatpants and a white t-shirt and put my hair up into a messy bun. I grabbed my bag, some breakfast, and tip-toed out of the house trying not to wake anyone. Once the door was closed I thought I was in the clear, but as soon as I was half way down the drive way I saw Taylor rushing out after me fully clothed and just a mess. Her bag was slung over her shoulder, her clothes were wrinkled and not on correctly, and her hair was going all over the place.

"Taylor," I hissed, "What are you doing?"

"I think the real question is what are you doing?" She asked accusingly.

"Well I," I started, but decided not to lie, "I'm walking to school to avoid everyone. I have a lot to think about." I replied

"Well then so do I." She stated, finally fixing her clothes and pulling her hair up into a scrunchie.

"Thats really nice Taylor, but-" I started.

"Hey? Shut up and stop trying to make me go away because its not happening so spill." Taylor Demanded, cutting me off.

"Well okay. I think I might go back to jersey..." I trailed off.

"Oh, no." She confirmed simply.


"Yeah, no."

"What do you mean no?"

"I mean you arent leaving because im not letting you so suck it up and stop licking so much booty beause we love you... well the majority of us do. Jacob and Rosie are exempt of course." She smiled down at me.


"Yeah, oh. So what else is bothering you?"

"Well, James kind of asked me out." I mumbled.

"Oh my no! Why didnt you tell me? How did it go?" She rapid fired questions at me.

"It was last night, it was going good until I told James I only like him as a friend then he started attacking me with how Jacob was right and he shouldnt have wasted time on me." I croaked, tears starting to spill.

"Where is he? I swear I will kill him for making you cry." Taylor threatened her eyes piercing mine with anger.

"Its not even him, Cara and Randy came in my room last night talking about how ever since I came here the boys have been acting strange, like do you want me to leave because I will and Ill get out of your hair. So I told her what happened with Rosie and then I turned over and she left."

"Wait, what happened with you and Rosie?" Taylor asked curiosly

"Well Rosie smacked me, so I kind of maybe might have punched her in the face and got suspended for three days." I whispered.

"Well damn! I guess I dont need to kill James after all, you got it handled. But can I get Jacob please, hes an ass, Ill get Daniel to help me." She suggested blushing.

"Oooo! Daniel huh?" I pried.

"Whaaaaaat? noooooo." She joked turning away.

"Uh huh? Whats going on?"

"Nothing.." She trailed off.

"Uh huh? Then where were you two last night?" I asked wriggling my eyebrows.

"Well we might have maybe gone on a slight hang out session to a park and ate food and slightly nicer than avergae clothing." Taylor hinted.

"So you went on a date?" I asked the obvious.

"I guess you could call it that, but dont tell anybody, we decided to wait to tell everybody."

"Alright, I wont. So, tell me what happened." While Taylor was talking I zoned out a bit, I felt bad butI got some of it. They went to a park and saw a film in the park then went to eat red robins. I was too busy thinking up ways to avoid the boys. What James and Jacob said to me really hurt, and so did Cara and Randy's thoughts. Eventhough I know Taylor and Austin are with me, I hate to say it but thats just not enough right now. Austin was so sweet last ngiht, but I dont understand how he got me into my room the last thing I remember is falling alseep bawling my eyes out on his chest. HONK! HONK! Oh no, it was the boys.

"Taylor that sounds amazing, Daniel better be treating you right or im going to treat his face with my fist and maybe he'll get a visit from nurse foot getting an operation I like to call kicking ass. But right now, will you cover for me?" I pleaded. She stood in thought for a while.

"Fine but only if you buy me some oreos and chicken nuggets for after school." She negotiated.

"OKay, deal!" I sprinted inside the building catching part of her awful lying skills about how Mr. Jackson my english teacher wanted me before class so I could help him disect a shoe. Dont get me wrong she is gorgeous with the brain of Einstein but her lying skills are about as bad as my grades. I ran into the bathroom to get myself ready for a day avoiding the boys and co. (Rosie). Once I was about done, the bathroom door opened and almost hit me in the face. It was Rosie.

"Oh look what the cat dragged in." She snickered. I just ignored her and walked out of the bathroom disregarding her insults being called in my direction.

"Hey A." James greeted me nervously. I brushed him off like a spec of dirt and made my way through the morning spanish was difficult, everybody in that room is difficult let alone my group. They were just so stubborn, like okay. You can do that and Ill do this but when I get a better grade than you, you dont take credit. English was next, Luke was hard to ignore, but I did it. I speed walked to lunch to get away from him and sat in between the girls to avoid Austin and James. I stayed quiet throughout the period ignoring all attempts to talk to me except for the girls because they havent done anything wrong. The rest of the day was surprisingly easier none of them made an attempt to speak with me probably catching on the fact that im not talking to them. I decided to sit out from gym. I wasnt really in the mood, plus coach said it was fine because I had practice afterwards. Once soccer ended I started walking across the field to make my way home when I noticed a strange car that looked like Justins, but it couldnt be them because they went home earlier. I heard two doors slamming and started to walk faster.

"Alex wait!" I heard Austin yell. I stopped in my tracks maybe he just came and took Justins car. As I turned around I figured that wasnt the case.

"What do you guys want?" I snarled.

"We want to know whats up with you." Tyler asked.

"Whats up with me? Whats up with me! Oh I dont know how about the fact that almost everybody here whos opinion matters to me hates me. How about the fact that James over here Mr. High and Mighty thinks he can talk any way he wants with whoever he wants without being reprimanded and throw a hissy fit just because I dont like him back. I wonder why? How about because ever since I came you guys have been acting so strange that Cara and Randy came into talk to me last night telling me about it without even hearing me out as to why its not my fault, but NO that could never be the case with a foster kid they are always trouble. How about the fact that the only people I have on my side are Taylor and Austin not even my own brothers, oh right you guys arent because thats NOT how family treats one another, I may have never had one, but I know enough. How about the fact that I was freaking suspended for three days on my first day because of Jacobs self rightous girlfriend who thinks she owns every petty human being on the face of the earth. How about the fact that Im actually considering going back to Jersey because you guys are such douches?" I screamed losing my temper and I stormed off leaving the boys is absolute shock and astonishment. I ran to the skate park and climbed up my afvorite tree and wept until I could no longer. I madde my way down and drifted to sleep on the grass under the nice shade.

written by- TameraHutchinson3 !!

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