Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

"Hey what are you doing here?" I ask Taylor as I see her approaching the sidelines cautiously. I was here with Austin for his baseball practice, I had completely forgot that Danny and Luke both played on his team.

"J-Just here with you know, my boyfriend," she stutters in response. Weird. "How bout you? I thought you and my mom were going to the salon or something?" she adds questioningly.

"She had to go to work," I explain. "And Austin wanted me to come to his baseball practice so I took that as an opportunity to do something with my day. I mean, I could leave, you seem tense around me," I offer and she immediately shakes her head.

"It's a lot of things on my mind. Nothing to do with you," she mutters quickly but the way her eyes flick back and forth gives it away that she's lying about something. I don't press the subject though. She goes and sits down on the benches so I turn my attention back to the boys practicing. Austin was pitched the ball and he easily hit the ball clear across the field. As he runs around the plates, I laugh at his hair flopping up and down and he shoots me a sweaty, toothy grin. Damn did my boy look good in a baseball jersey.

"Hello there stranger," Luke states wrapping a sweaty arm around me. I pull away from him gagging.

"Hey, are you parents still mad?" I question worriedly. I knew that Cara and Randy were extremely mad that I had left and I did feel bad.

"No, I knocked some sense in to them," he replies with a wide smile. I give him a look and he laughs. "Fine, Justin talked everything out and explained to them what they did was wrong and they came to their senses after a while," he adds reassuringly.

"Thank god, I didn't want to be not welcomed into the Jameson household forever," I reply smiling.

"Do you want to come over tonight? We're having a grill out. Taylor was supposed to tell you when she got here," Luke explains and I glance over at Taylor.

"I'd love to. And really? Taylor didn't say anything to me about it," Before he can reply, his coach is yelling at him.

"Jameson! Stop flirting and get your behind over here before I make you and the team do thirty extra minutes of warmups!" the coach screams and Luke's face flusters as he jogs back to the team. Austin looks over at me confused but luckily he doesn't look jealous.


"Are you going to the Jamesons?" I ask Austin as he kisses the top of my forehead.

"Yeah duh, didn't Taylor tell you everyone's going?" Austins responds confused. I look back at Taylor before glancing up at Austin.

"Nope, she's been avoiding me. I think she's hiding something," I mutter and he puts an arm around my shoulders.

"It's probably nothing baby girl, stop worrying," he whispers in my ear.

"You're all sweaty," I groan pushing him off of me. "But you're right, it's probably nothing," I agree and he smiles at me.

"I'm always right princess," he assures me cockily.

"Stop being cocky Miles. It's not cute on you," I sass and he places his hand on his heart.

"I look cute in everything," he states confidently hugging me from behind. I laugh and swat him away from me. He pulls me towards him and kisses me.

"Your lips are salty," I inform him when he pulls away. He just chuckles and opens the passenger side door of his car. I get in and he closes the door and then comes around the driver side getting in, throwing his bags in to the backseat.

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