Chapter 11

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Written by TameraHutchinson3
Taylors POV:

"Thanks Grayson...  I really appreciate what you did for Alex, eventhough it might have ended with a little bloodshed."  I giggled into the reciever. 

"Its no problem, it was nice to finally see two people who belong together fine their happy ending."  He mumbled into the phone.

"Still, thank you its nice to see her finally happy."  I smiled.

"Its fine, stop thanking me gosh Tay!"  Grayson chided me.

"Okay, okay.  Ill stop.  Just one question, why did you get into the car with Rosie after you left?  You shouldve seen her face before Austin kissed her."  I questioned.

"Oh yeah Rosie? Shes my cousin.  I came up here to visit her, thats why I could come to the party.  I thought you knew Tay."  Grayson said confused.

"Wait really?  She never told us that...  Has she told you anything about Alex and I.  I mean I know she doesnt like us and I think that we have the right to know if she said anything bad about us."  I reasoned.

"I guess, but dont tell her I told you.  we have a pretty good relationship and I dont want to ruin that.  You know shes been through a lot and I just dont want her to lose trust in me."  Grayson worried.

"I wont I promise, I just dont want her going around saying things that arent true."

"Yeah, I get it, but are you sure you want to hear what she said.  It could really hurt some people and it will definitely futher complicate all of your lives.  You know what... Maybe telling you over the phone isn't the best idea.  Why dont we meet up at the park.  Ill bring us something to drink.  Orange juice for you right?"  He rushed his words.


"Okay perfect.  Be there in 10, bye!"  And he hung up the phone.

"Well okay then.  I guess im going to the park."

I ran upstairs to pull on my leggings and a blue and white baseball tee.  I laced up my blue adidas, grabbed my hoodie and raced out the door so I could get to the park in time.  As I set off on my walk I realized that I didnt call or tell anybody where Im going.  I pulled out my phone and dialed Dannys number.

"Hello?"  He questions groggily.

"Hi babe!  I forgot to tell you im going to the park to meet Grayson I was talking to him earlier and he said he wanted to meet up."  I cheerfully.

"Its llike 7 am, why does he want to meet you couldnt he have just told you over the phone?"  He asked and I could here the protectivness creeping into his voice.

"Dont worry Danny, ill be fine.  He said he didnt want to tell me over the phone because it wasnt appropriate, so I trust that hes telling the truth.  I cant take care of myself."

"Okay... Just be careful call me if ANYTHING happens okay?"

"Yeah yeah whatever.  Ill call you when im done, bye!"

"Bye Tay, and stop being to cheerful, its too early you are going to scare him away before you even get there."  He chuckled.

"Whatever."  I replied then hung up laughing inwardly.

By the time I hung up I hadnt even realized I was already at the park.  I located the bench and went to sit down and wait for Grayson.  The bench looked over a vast expanse of healthy green grass and off a cliff n the distance, showing the mountain side edge of the other side the mountain was cut off.  A thin fog lingered in the air giving it a mysterious feel but not enough to give someone a freak out.  The weather was just right not too hot, not to cold.  Like when you wake up at 7 am and go out to the bus stop with your sweatshirt and beanie.  As I was in the middle of reminiscing I heard the crunch of leaves behind me.  I whipped my head around so fast I think I got whip lash.

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