Chapter Six

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"Where you going all dressed up?" Jacob asked standing in my doorway. I scoffed and continued to put on makeup. "Whatever, at least I can tell Justin I tried talking to you and you're just too stubborn to talk," he stated annoyed. I didn't care that he didn't want to talk to me without being forced to by his older brother, it bothered me that all of this is over a girl. 

"Alex," Cara's voice greeted. I looked up at her,  gave her a forced smile and then looked down at my phone to see a text from James. "Alex, I think we need to talk about everything that happened," she added looking at me with guilty eyes.

"Can we talk later? I have a friend who just got here," I said as I got out of the seat and walked downstairs and greeted James at the door. He was dressed in a cute button up white shirt and black skinny jeans.

"You look great," he beamed smiling brightly. I blushed a little although I didn't know why. I didn't have feelings for him at all I guess, I just liked being complimented? 

"Thanks James, you don't look that bad either," I responded and he laughed nervously in response. Oh god, what am I going to do if he says his feelings are stronger then friends. I mentally face palmed myself, of course his feelings are stronger than just friends. 

"So we're just gonna go see a movie? Is that okay?" James stated nervously rubbing the back of his neck. I nodded hesitantly before walking out the door after him.


It was so awkward. The movie was great. We saw Pitch Perfect 2, obviously it was great. He was just acting so strange and I was so uncomfortable but I didn't want to walk out on him.

"Thanks for agreeing," James whispered as we pulled in to the Jameson's driveway. I smiled at him nervously. 

"No problem, the movie was actually pretty great," I replied twiddling my fingers. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could.  Before I knew it he was leaning in extremely close and I brought my hand up to stop him. 

"I thought that's what you do at the end of a date?" James muttered disappointingly.

"James, I think of you as a friend. I agreed to go with you because I hate making people feel sad. I like someone else," I mumbled moving my hand away from him. He stared at me before looking down.

"Jacob was right. I shouldn't have wasted time on you," he spat angrily. I stared at him in disbelief. After everything I've done to help him and he does this. 

"Great, sorry I'm not just gonna kiss you the first time we hang out alone. God, who do you think I am?" I asked opening the door. "You're not even worth my time," I added slamming the door behind me. 

"Room, now," Cara stated when I walked in the front door. I slammed the door and stomped upstairs. I was so not in the mood for any of this.  I wanted to call up Taylor so I could rant about all of this, eat food and watch Netflix. 

"Just tell me what I did, I had an awful day," I mumbled sprawling out on my bed. Cara sat down at my computer desk and Randy stood next to her. Oh God, I didn't think I did anything bad. 

"It's not necessarily what you did," Randy said slowly. He went to continue but Cara began talking.

"Ever since you showed up Alex, Jacob and the boys have been acting strangely," she stated trying not to snap.

"Well you see, the first day I was here, everything was okay. Then, Jacob's girlfriend was someone I knew from the foster home in Jersey and she did everything to make my life a living hell while she was there. Then she got adopted by some rich family, I guess they live here. Anyway, at lunch that day, she tried accusing me of everything she got caught doing and put her hands on me. I tried to ignore it but the last time she did it, I couldn't let her get away with it. She had put me through so much to begin with and I just got overwhelmed and when you picked me up, you didn't even listen to my side of the story and that hurt. Then Jacob said his select words and you know, I think I'm going to call my case worker and tell her, this isn't going to work. Now, I'd really like some time alone," I explained as stray tears made their way down my face. Cara and Randy looked at me, looked at each other and left without saying a word. I pulled on Justin's old hoodie and a pair of sweatpants before climbing under the covers. I couldn't control myself and I began letting out choked sobs. 


My phone vibrated waking me up. I had fallen asleep crying and I probably looked like a hot mess.

Aus10- hey. are you okay?

me- no. i'm going to bed. night austin

Aus10- come outside

me- its 2 am

Aus10- please

I hesitated before replying.

me- front or back?

Aus10- backyard

I pulled open my curtains and slowly opened the widow getting blasted with the night wind. 

"Over here," Austin whispered making me jump a little. I walked over slowly to the tree trunk where he was sitting.  "What's wrong?" He asked pulling me down on to his lap. I stared at him before looking down. 

"Everything," I choked out and he wrapped his arms around me and pulled me close to him. I felt so comfortable in his arms, this crush was driving me mad.

"Do you want to talk about it?" he questioned looking me in the eyes making them watery.

"I-I might go back," I muttered and he cocked and eyebrow at me. "T-to Jersey," I stuttered out and he looked at me, his eyes softening. "Everyone here hates me. I-I Just can feel myself giving up and I hate myself so much for it. I don't want to give up but I guess it runs in my blood. I mean my parents gave up on me so I guess it's my job to give up on finding a home," I sobbed. He didn't say anything. He pulled me against his chest and held me and let me cry.

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