Chapter Five

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"Come on, let's go for a swim."  Austin coaxed leading me into into the water.

"But its cold!"  I protested pushing on his solid chesticles.

"Come on-"  Suddenly we were at the side of the pool and he threw me into the water.  My eyes burst open and I gasped for air.  Pushing my hair out of the way I took in the scene of Justin and Tyler and an empty bucket dripping water.

"Justin!  Tyler!  Im going to kill you!"  I yelled getting up ready to attack them.

"Ah, ah, ah.  That wouldn't be wise seeing as you have your first day of school in... 15 minutes."  Tyler advised.

"What!  I have to shower and get dressed and eat!  Why didnt you wake me earlier?"  I panicked.  They shrugged.

"Well we took care of the shower part, so just get dressed and meet us down for breakfast, and hurry up because Manny is asking for you." Justin said as he walked toward the kitchen. 

I rushed upstairs and into my room and threw some black leggings and a black and white graphic tee on her bed and took out a pair of black converse and a black beanie and got dressed.  I ran into the bathroom quickly brushed my teeth, washed my face, and pulled the brush through my hair a couple times.  Tripping down the stairs a couple of times I shoved my knit beanie on, grabbed a banana and dashed out the door slamming it shut behind me.  I hopped in the car and told them to go.

"Arent you forgetting something?"  James asked.  I looked down at myself.  MY BACKPACK!  Im so dumb.  I went back into the house up the steps and grabbed my bag off my floor and made my way back out into the car.

"Ok, now you can go."  I stated and Justin backed out of the drive way.  I placed Manny in my lap and we played until it was time to drop him at school.

"Bye Alex!  Are you coming to pick me up right?"  Manny asked.

"I can't little guy I have soccer practice, but don't worry you can come with Justin to pick me up.  How does that sound?"

"Good,"  He smiled, "Okay I have to go learn now bye Alex." 

"Bye Manny."  I hopped back into the car and we drove to school.

Today was my first real day since I got suspended on my other first day.  I had Spanish first period, the teacher was really nice and she said we would be doing a lot of fun projects during the year, so it should be fun forcing the guys to help me and make fools of them. Next I had English.  Mr. Jackson although we started work he made it fun, so it wasn't unbearable.  After english I made my way to lunch with Luke since we have almost all classes together while Jacob was giving me the cold shoulder all day, this has gone on long enough and Im sick of it, Im not the one in the wrong here.  Rosie started it and Jacob Needs to understand that.  During gym I would talk to him. 

"Hola senoritas y senors."  I greeted everybody smiling taking my seat between James and Austin.  I had become close with the two boys, I don't know why but I always seem to make friends with the boys more than the girls.  Sure the girls and I are still good friends, but sometimes I need a break from them, also guys are more appealing to me so thats a bonus. 

"You do know the n's make an enyay sound and the i's are pronounced ee right?"  James asked.

"It was my first spanish class layoff Mr.  I'm-so-mexican-i-can-speak-fluent-spanish."  I retorted.

"You wound me ALex."  James said feigning hurt as his placed my hand on his heart.

"Stop being sucha baby James." Skylar joked.

We all got up to get in line for lunch.  I got a chicken patty because whoever doesn't like chicken doesn't deserve it, unless of course they can't eat it or its religious or something like that.  Once we got back to the table Jacob and Rosie were there swallowing each other.  I chose to keep my mouth shut and let someone else yell at them since I wasn't in the mood to get into a fight.  I wished Taylor was here, but since she takes higher grade classes she probably ate with them too, I hope her and Danny are doing ok, they are really cute together.

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