Chapter 13

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Taylors POV:

"How could you keep something like this from me?" Alex yelled. My parents had gone out for the night so we were left alone at my house.

"How could I what? Tell you how I really feel? Well im sorry for telling you the truth I really am." I retorted. I mean who does she think she is coming over here and sucking the pity off of all these guys just because she is a foster kid. She can handle herself and instead of running from her problems she needs to get it together and deal with life.

"Well im sorry for being a foster kid that no one wants!"

"See! This is exactly what I mean! Just because the Jameson parents were UPSET not even mad UPSET the boys were acting different you up and left when they were the ONLY people who were skeptical not even had their mind up freaking skeptical Alex and here you go taking everyone for granted and making them want you just so you feel loved. You are loved and I wish you could just open youre eyes enough to see that and youll probably just go crying back to the Jamesons because you dont want to deal with me, but you know what I don't care because I have other crap to worry about that doesnt involve you or your screwed up family. And by the way I was going to tell you tonight but Rosie got to you first didnt she? Gosh Alex! I care about you and I want you to be my friend but damn THE WORLD DOESNT REVOLVE AROUND YOU ALEX there are other people that have issues that you just dont seem to care about unless it somehow relates to you."

"Wow... okay. Thanks for that, but what I dont understand is why you invited me to stay here if you felt like that."

"Oh i dont know maybe its because I just wanted to stick to the status quo (Highschool Muscial ayyyye) and take pity on you because I actually felt bad."

"You know what maybe I will go back to the Jamesons because I know that they do want me just like you said. I wonder what Danny will think of this little incident."

"Oh great running away and threatening me because you feel cornered go ahead tell him I was going to but I guess youll just beat me to it just like Rosie beat me to you. I guess sisters do really act alike." I exclaimed angrily as Alex threw stuff into her bag and stormed out the door.

"GOSH TAY YOU SUCK!" Alex shouted before the door slammed behind her. I raced after her.

"The whole point of that was to get you to stay here and deal with it youre really just gonna go?"

"Yeah! I am!"

"Well then Im coming with you." I declared as I jumped in the car and buckled up.

"Get out of the car Taylor." Alex said.

"No." I stated.

"Get out of the damn car Taylor!" She yelled frustrated.

"NO! Now drive I have to talk to Danny."

"Not if I do first." She revved up and engine and sped off to the Jameson house as if we were in a race. Once we got there she shut off the car and we both raced into the house to Dannys room. She was ahead of me. I grabbed the back of her shirt to slow her down and yanked her back. Grabbing onto the doorhandle I swung it open and made my way up the steps. As I was half way to the top she grabbed my foot and I slipped on the steps falling behind. I rushed to catch up with her and found a pillow lying on the ground. I picked it up and threw it at Alex. She fell to the ground with a thud and burst into laughter as I struggled to get past her. Once I made it to Dannys room I spotted him listening to music and looking at the playbook since of course my baby is the assisstant coach. Snap out of it Tay.

"Danny! I need to tell you something."

"Yeah what is it?" He asked pulling out his earbuds and coming to stand in front of me..

"I-" My Voice was cut off by a pillow hitting the back of my head. I turned around to see Alex laughing and I couldnt hold it in. We both doubled over laughing so hard our stomachs hurt. I fell on top of her but that just made her laugh even more.

"You know I didnt mean what I said babe... I love you I guess I just got jealous becuase you get all this attention and im new here too and the only person who seems to care is Danny." I admitted to Alex.

"I understand how youre feeling. Its ok, but know that the rest of the boys and I care so much about you so dont ever feel that way or ill punch you in the face." Alex said.

"Oh? Okay then Im sorry." I said laughing.

"Okay soooo, what did you need to tell me Taylor?" Danny asks

"That Alex is a butt and needs to shut up! Oh my I rhymed! Sorta..." I exclaimed.

"You're so silly." Danny said taking my hand to help me get up as I brought Alex with me.

"Thank you!" I reached up to kiss Danny on the nose.

"Cool it with the PDA!" Alex yelled and ran out of the room to go find Austin probably


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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