Chapter Eight

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"Wake up," a voice demanded kicking me. I instantly knew it was Taylor by her Aussie accent. I groaned and sat up looking at her. "Why would you just leave like that? Alex you know I have your back 100%," she stated looking at me sadly. I knew I had upset her but I couldn't bear this pain anymore. I felt empty. Alone.

"You don't understand Taylor. I've never had a family keep me long. Hell, I don't even know why I'm so hurt. I'm so used to this. Life with the Jameson's for these past two months has been fun yet awful.; I guess since they were one of the only families that kept me this long I was hoping their would be something good coming out of it. I-I just got my hopes up and I think it's best if I leave," I explained wrapping my arms around my legs. She sat down next to me and wrapped her arm around my shoulders. "I just finally felt at ease with you, and Austin, and almost everyone here. I don't want to leave it all behind. I just can't stay with the Jameson's. Jacob seemed so nice the first day. He was being all cute, not literally, I wasn't attracted to him or anything but he was just sweet. Anyway, after the first day of school, when I beat his girlfriend, he hated me. He even admitted to my face that because she hated me, he hated me. Who does that? I didn't do anything to him. He didn't even care that she started it. Luke, I love him. He's done nothing wrong. Justin is the one I can count on to talk to but he went back to campus after him and Randy had a huge blowout last night. I don't really talk to the other boys but I can't keep being a burden on their family," I added finally opening up. Justin had told Randy he had been seeing someone and he was going to bring her for a family dinner and Randy said it was unacceptable. He basically told Justin that since he was 19, there was no need for him to be at family dinners to begin with which ticked Justin off even more making him pack up and go back. Taylor squeezed my shoulders.

"Good thing you don't have to stay with them," she announced making me cock my eyebrow at her. "I talked to my mom and dad before I came and tracked your sorry butt down. They said as long as your social worker approves, you can move in with me," she explained and tears starting falling. "Don't cry! I want you to stay in Florida. I want you to be able to look strong in front of Rosie. To prove to her that you aren't going to waste your time on her no good, hair extension, short self. I want Alstin to happen. There's too much that hasn't happened for you to leave," she said smiling at me.

"How did I meet you? I'll call my social worker. Like right now," I muttered grabbing my phone out of my back pocket. I find her name in my phone and press call.

"Alex?" her voice asked sounding alarmed. I took a breath before talking.

"Hey, so, things at the Jameson's isn't working," I mumbled trying to sound strong but failing.

"What do you mean?" she asked concerned.

"Everything. But, I have a family willing to take me in. One of my friends, her parents offered to take me as long as you agreed," I explained placing my hand on the top of my head.


"No please. I really need this. Florida is somewhere I want to be. I can't lose this just because of another failed family. I want to stay here. C'mon, how many times have you heard me say that? Please, just let me have this opportunity and if it doesn't work out, I'll be on the next flight to Jersey," I begged cutting her off. I heard her sigh.

"As long as they call me as soon as you get there. Alex you know I'm not supposed to be doing this," she sighed.

"Thank you so much. I won't let you down!" I exclaimed hanging up the phone. "She said yes!" I added looking at Taylor. She jumped at me causing me to fall on the ground laughing.

"So roomie, let's go find Austin and get him to buy us gelato!" she cheered pulling me off the ground.

"I heard my name," Austin stated wrapping his arms around my waist.

"You're buying us celebratory gelato because I'm staying in Florida! Well, I'm staying with Taylor but," I smiled but couldn't finish because Austin had picked me up. I laughed as he swung me around. I jumped on to his back and Taylor smiled at us.

"I mean, I'll walk," she stated glumly but the smile didn't drop from her face. Austin runs down the sidewalk, his arms gripping the back of my thighs with Taylor not too far behind. 


"Are you kidding?" Cara asked as I placed the last box in the back of Austin's jeep. All of the Jameson boys were staring at me in shock, even Jacob looked shocked.

"No, I called my social worker. She said as long as Taylor's parents call her once I get settled, I can stay there," I replied leaning against the car. 

"You're leaving?" Manny asked coming out from behind Luke. He looked so upset.

"Don't worry buddy. You still have us. We won't leave you," Jacob stated picking up his little brother before carrying him back in the house.

"So this is goodbye?" Luke questioned wrapping his arms around me. 

"I'll see you at school," I promised letting him go. "Thank you for trying," I mumbled before climbing in to the passenger seat. Austin started the ignition just as Taylor got in to the backseat.

"Don't worry. We got your back," Austin promised placing one hand on my thigh and the other on the steering wheel. 

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