Season 3, Chapter 6: Divyans' Vision

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That night, as Divyans lay down to sleep, the tension from the day's events still weighed heavily on his mind. His thoughts drifted from the cryptic warnings of the Saap Bhumi monk to the looming uncertainty surrounding Vikram. Was the test they'd devised really enough to prove his loyalty?

As sleep finally overtook him, Divyans slipped into a vivid dream—one that felt more like a vision than an ordinary dream.

He stood in a vast desert, the sun blazing high above. But this wasn't the Taklamakan Desert they had planned to head to. There was something ancient and mystical about this place. In the distance, he could see towering structures of stone, worn by time, with serpentine symbols carved into them. The air shimmered with heat, and there was a sense of unease growing inside him.

Suddenly, the ground beneath his feet shifted, and he found himself sinking into the sand. He struggled, trying to claw his way out, but the more he fought, the deeper he sank. Just as panic began to rise in his chest, the scene changed.

Now, he stood before an ancient temple, deep within a jungle. A voice echoed all around him—calm, steady, and familiar.

"Do not waste your time in the wrong places, Divyans. The path you seek is not in China."

Divyans looked around, trying to find the source of the voice, but there was no one. Then, he saw it—a shimmering figure, a projection of himself, standing at the temple gates. The figure was holding something in its hand: an ancient scroll, adorned with the same serpent emblem they had seen countless times.

The figure spoke again, this time directly to him. "If you wish to find the truth, you must test Vikram with what matters. Not geography or destinations, but knowledge. The true test lies in the history of the Saap Bhumi cult."

The dream began to swirl around him, the vision fading, but the words hung in the air.

"Ask him, Divyans. Ask where the Nagapasham was first hidden by the Saap Bhumi cult. Only one who knows the truth will be able to answer. If he knows, then you can trust him. If he does not... he is not who he claims to be."

The temple and the jungle faded away, and Divyans awoke with a start, drenched in sweat. His heart was racing, but the dream had been clear. Heading to China was the wrong move. The real test was not a false destination but understanding the true origins of the Nagapasham and the Saap Bhumi cult.

Sitting up, he rubbed his eyes and glanced at his friends, still asleep in the room. Lakhan was snoring softly on his mat, while Roshni shifted slightly in her sleep.

Without wasting a moment, Divyans made his decision. He reached for his phone and texted both of them in their group chat:

_"Change of plans. No Taklamakan. We're testing Vikram's knowledge tomorrow—based on the Saap Bhumi cult, not geography. If he answers correctly, we trust him. If not, we move on without him. We'll ask where the **Nagapasham** was first hidden. Get ready."_

In the morning, as sunlight poured into the room, Divyans explained the dream to his friends. Lakhan frowned, processing the new information. "You think the dream was a warning?"

Divyans nodded. "It was more than just a dream. It felt... real, like something or someone was guiding me. I think we need to take this seriously."

Roshni leaned forward, considering his words. "So, we ask Vikram about the Saap Bhumi cult's origins and the location of the first piece of the Nagapasham? If he knows the truth, we trust him. If not..."

Lakhan finished the thought. "If not, we leave him behind."

With the plan set, they waited for Vikram to arrive. When he entered, the three friends exchanged a quick glance.

Divyans cleared his throat and said, "Vikram, before we head out to the desert, there's something we need to ask. It's important, and it'll tell us if we can trust you."

Vikram's eyes narrowed slightly, sensing the shift in tone. "Ask away."

Divyans stepped forward. "You claim to know a lot about the **Saap Bhumi cult** and the Nagapasham. So tell us—where was the Nagapasham first hidden by the cult after it was broken into pieces?"

Vikram's face was expressionless for a moment. His gaze shifted slightly, but there was no panic, no hesitation.

He finally spoke, his voice calm. "The Nagapasham was first hidden in an ancient temple in **Kanchipuram, Tamil Nadu**, by the elders of the Saap Bhumi cult. It was guarded by the followers of **Lord Vishnu**, who believed in the protection of the world from the serpent's influence. That piece was then moved several times to prevent it from falling into the wrong hands."

Divyans felt a surge of relief. Vikram's answer was correct.

Lakhan, still skeptical, asked, "And where is that piece now?"

Vikram smirked. "That piece is the one you wear around your neck, Divyans. The **pendant** given to you by your family—the same pendant that's been glowing since the cults have awakened."

Roshni and Lakhan both looked at Divyans, whose hand instinctively went to the pendant hanging around his neck. It pulsed faintly, as if responding to Vikram's words.

The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of Vikram's knowledge sinking in.

Divyans nodded slowly. "Alright, Vikram. We trust you."

With the test passed, the group regrouped. But now, with no false destinations in sight, they needed to find the true locations of the remaining pieces of the Nagapasham. The dream had guided Divyans to the next step. Now it was time for their journey to truly begin.

Their first real destination: **the Sahara Desert**.

But the clock was ticking. With only 90 days until the planets aligned, their time was running out.

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