Season 4, Chapter 10: The Revelation of the Seventh Yodha

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The wind howled through the Himalayan mountains as **Rudra** and **Ansh** climbed toward the hidden cave where **Maharishi Devaya** awaited them. Ansh, still reeling from everything he had learned about the Yodhas, felt a strange mix of anticipation and dread in his heart. Why had Maharishi summoned him? What was this revelation Rudra seemed so keen on hearing?

The cave entrance loomed ahead, a narrow passage into the unknown. The air inside was cold and heavy with ancient energy, as though time itself slowed to a crawl within its sacred walls. Rudra entered first, his form tall and powerful, yet reverent in the presence of the great sage.

There, sitting cross-legged in the deepest part of the cave, was **Maharishi Devaya**—the ageless seer, the one who had foreseen the rise of the Yodhas and their eternal battle against evil. His eyes were closed, yet his awareness of their presence was undeniable. Without opening his eyes, he spoke in a voice that seemed to come from the very core of the earth.

**Maharishi Devaya**: "Rudra, you have done well to bring him. And you, Ansh... your time has come."

Ansh's heart raced. His mind spun with countless questions, but the weight of Maharishi's words silenced him. Rudra bowed his head in respect, waiting for the sage to continue.

**Maharishi Devaya** opened his eyes slowly, his gaze piercing through the darkness. His voice was calm but carried an authority that filled the cave. "You must be wondering why you were summoned, Ansh. The truth has been hidden from you long enough."

Ansh shifted uncomfortably, the anxiety building inside him. He had been caught in a whirlwind of events beyond his comprehension, and now it seemed as though the biggest revelation of all was upon him.

**Maharishi Devaya** turned to Rudra. "You know the truth, don't you? About who the Seventh Yodha is."

Rudra, his expression grave, nodded. "Yes, Maharishi. I have known for a while, but I needed to be sure. The poison of Ananta was the final test."

Ansh's eyes widened. He glanced at Rudra, his confusion deepening. "What are you talking about? The poison... test? What test?"

Maharishi smiled faintly. "You survived the poison, Ansh. That was no small feat. It wasn't just a test of your physical endurance—it was a test of your spiritual strength. Ananta believed he could kill you before you realized your true nature."

Ansh blinked, his mind struggling to keep up with what he was hearing. "True nature? What do you mean?"

The sage gestured for Ansh to sit down, and he began to explain the ancient prophecy.

**Maharishi Devaya**: "Long ago, during the Battle of Sparx, the seventh Yodha was lost. His sacrifice was not in vain, for it was decreed by the three great gods—Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva—that he would return. But his return would not be in the same form. He would be reborn into this world, through parents who were connected to both the divine and the forces of darkness."

Ansh's heart pounded in his chest as Maharishi's words sank in. The prophecy sounded distant and mythical, yet it was unfolding before him. He couldn't believe where this was leading.

**Maharishi Devaya** continued, his eyes never leaving Ansh. "Your parents, Ansh, are connected to Goa and its ancient legends. Your lineage holds the key to both the light and the darkness. It was foretold that the seventh Yodha would be reborn through this lineage. And that Yodha... is you."

The air seemed to freeze around Ansh. His mind raced, struggling to process what he had just heard. "What...? Me? The seventh Yodha? But... I'm just... how can I be?"

Rudra stepped forward, his voice calm yet firm. "It's true, Ansh. We have been watching you for a long time, waiting for the signs. When Ananta poisoned you, it was a test to see if you would survive. The fact that you did proves what Maharishi has said. You are the Seventh Yodha—the one we lost in the Battle of Sparx, now reborn."

Ansh felt his world spinning out of control. He stood up, his hands trembling as he tried to make sense of it all. "This... this can't be real. I'm not some... divine warrior. I'm just a guy trying to help my friends, trying to understand all this madness. How can I be this... Yodha?"

Maharishi's gaze softened as he looked at Ansh with compassion. "It's understandable to be confused, Ansh. The path of the Yodhas is not an easy one, and accepting your true nature will take time. But know this—the gods have chosen you. Your life up until now has led you here, and now you must embrace your destiny."

Ansh shook his head, still in disbelief. "But why? Why didn't anyone tell me this before? Why did I have to find out like this?"

Rudra placed a hand on Ansh's shoulder. "We needed you to come to this realization on your own. If you had known too early, it could have changed everything. Ananta knew who you were, and that's why he tried to kill you before you could awaken to your true self. He feared what you would become—because the seventh Yodha has a power unlike any of the rest of us."

Ansh swallowed hard. The weight of his newfound identity pressed down on him like an anchor. He looked at Rudra, still searching for answers.

**Ansh**: "But what am I supposed to do now? How am I supposed to... become this Yodha?"

Maharishi spoke again, his voice filled with ancient wisdom. "You must follow the path that has been laid out for you, Ansh. The time for awakening is now. The Naga Passam and the serpent cult are only parts of a much larger battle. The seventh Yodha's power is still dormant within you, but when it awakens, you will be able to face Ananta and the forces that threaten to disrupt the balance of the universe."

Ansh's mind was still swimming with questions, but one thought stood out above the rest. "So Ananta... he knew all along. That's why he tried to kill me."

Rudra nodded. "Yes. He knew you were the seventh Yodha and that your power would be the key to stopping him from finding the remaining pieces of the Naga Passam."

Maharishi's eyes gleamed with the knowledge of what was to come. "But he failed, Ansh. And now, you must prepare for what lies ahead. The path will not be easy, but you have the strength within you to walk it. You are the seventh Yodha, and your role in this battle is far from over."

Ansh stood there, the gravity of his destiny weighing heavily on him. His life, his identity—everything had changed in an instant. He had always felt like there was something more to the world around him, but this... this was beyond anything he could have imagined.

Rudra smiled faintly, a rare warmth in his otherwise stern expression. "You're not alone in this, Ansh. We will be with you every step of the way. The Yodhas stand together."

Ansh took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He wasn't sure if he was ready for what was coming, but something in him stirred—something deep, something ancient. Perhaps it was the power Maharishi spoke of, still hidden within him, waiting to awaken.

And though the fear and confusion remained, a sense of purpose began to take root in his heart.


As the winds howled outside the Himalayan cave, the path forward for Ansh, Rudra, and the other Yodhas was beginning to take shape. The seventh Yodha had returned, and the battle against Ananta was only just beginning.

But one thing was certain—Ansh's role in this ancient war was far from over, and his destiny as the seventh Yodha would soon be revealed.

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