Chapter 14: Drunk

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While the lecture was going on, Klaus continued researching whoever had sent those goons to hurt Morticia. He was coming up with nothing.

“Young man at the back, do you mind putting your phone down?” the female lecturer, Mrs. Sally, asked.

Klaus, unaware she was addressing him, continued using his phone.

“Young man, I’m speaking to you,” she said again.

Klaus finally looked up, locking eyes with the lecturer. The room became tense.

“Why?” His nasal voice rang out from the back.

Some girls bit their lips. This was Klaus's first appearance in class this semester. They had all missed his good looks and voice.

“Because it isn’t proper to be on your phone while I’m teaching,” Mrs. Sally replied. She was clearly a new lecturer, unfamiliar with who Klaus was.

“Then why are you teaching? Since it isn’t proper, maybe you should stop while I’m on my phone.”

Mrs. Sally exhaled, struggling to contain her anger.

"This is a lecture room. I suggest you leave if you really need to use your phone"

“Leave? Am I doing something wrong? I’m not having sex in class, distracting everyone with a girl’s moans. Mrs. Sally, I’m a nice person… if you want me to be.”

The room fell silent, so quiet one could hear a pin drop.

Dimitri smiled, feeling impressed by Klaus’s boldness, while Nica shook her head.

Klaus was stubborn and intimidating, even the lecturers didn’t mess with him.

Despite that, he was the best student in his year. Nica could only hope Mrs. Sally would let this slide.

Mrs. Sally turned to the board to continue, while Klaus returned his cold gaze to his phone.

“Klaus, you alright? You seem to be in a bad mood,” Dimitri asked as they left the class.

“I’m fine.”

“Let’s go get lunch. Nica, are you coming?” Dimitri asked.

“Uh… no. I have to go home right after class,” Nica replied. Her father had her class schedule and promised to punish her if she got home late.

Worst, by beating her or throwing her out on the street.

This made her heart clenched so hard.


Jamie looked a bit nervous, and Morticia noticed. She was nervous too, wondering what was going through his mind.

“Uhmm… I was wondering if… if you could go out with me,” he finally said, and Morticia froze.

She had expected this but still felt her heart race.

Before she could respond, Klaus’s voice rang from behind.


Morticia turned to see Klaus, Dimitri, and the purple-haired girl from the party approaching. Why were they here all of a sudden?

Klaus sat beside her, his cold eyes locking onto Jamie, who looked confused as to what he had done.

“Long time no see, Jamie,” Klaus smiled, and Morticia sighed, glancing at Dimitri, who smirked.

“Not really, Klaus, but it’s good to see you.”

“Are you two boyfriend and girlfriend?” Dimitri asked.

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