Chapter 16: You'll be next

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Morticia woke up the next morning, feeling weak as hell, her head throbbing like it was going to slipt into two any moment.

"Urgh.. I'm gonna be sick," she complained, getting off from the bed in the slowest way ever.

She stood up, feeling pressed, and dragged her lazy self to the bathroom. She washed her face and gasped when she sighted her reflection on the mirror.

Her lips parched, hair messy like a bed nest. Her eyes slightly swollen. Why was it swollen?... ah right, yesterday was her father's death anniversary.

She had remembered his death anniversary so late and felt guilty. When she got home, she met no one, and the weight was crashing down at her.

Especially the memories of how her father died. She would never forget that day... The fire.

Morticia shook her head, not wanting to think about it. Instead, her head hurt.

"Ah, is this what they call hangover?" Morticia pouted.

She shouldn't have had a drink last night. It was her first time, and the content tasted like shit. The only thing she liked was the way it distracted her.

She got no memories of what happened after she started drinking, but she had made sure to lock her room and slide the key out. She knew it was dangerous, but she planned to call her stupid brother to help her open the door this morning.

She freshen up and wore comfortable house wear.

Stepping out to reach for her phone, but found her door slightly opened.

Her eyes widened.

"What the hell?" She mumbled. Though she had no memories of what happened after she started drinking, she recalled so well that she had locked the damn door.

Did someone break in?

She rushed downstairs to check, her eyes darting frantically.

"Hey," a thick voice sounded behind her.

"Ahh!" She screamed and swung her arm to hit Klaus face behind. She gasped and covered her mouth at what she just did.

"Shit," Klaus cursed.

"I'm so sorry... are you alright?" She asked, reaching out to touch him, but he held her hand.

"I'm fine. You attack like a hen"

"Seriously?" She scoffed. "Were you here last night?"

Klaus blinked. She doesn't remember. The kiss, and even how she had cried at in his arms at midnight, rambling unintelligent words to his ears. Though that was only for a few minutes.

"You don't remember last night, do you?" He asked to confirm.

"Huh? Did I do something... did I break something? Oh my God, did I puke... gosh, that would be so embarrassing." her cheek turns red, and she panic. "What did I do? What did I do?"

"You were just crying, that's all," Klaus cut it.

You kissed me and pulled back, but I reconnected it and kissed you again, making you moan against my lips while you pulled my hair - Klaus's mind completed.

"Really? Oh my God.. I cried before you?" She avert her gaze, looking so embarrassed.

What if she gets to know about the kiss? She would literally bury herself underground.

She doesn't need to know. Something like that would never happen again - Klaus assured himself--though deep down, he knew he couldn't get it off his mind.

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