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Antoinette woke up on a fluffy bed that she's pretty sure wasn't hers, despite her bloodshot eyes having difficulty to open the damned pair. However, it doesn't mean she feels at home either.

She tilted her head as she rose up to scan the place full of fairly wide, pastel colored scenery type of paintings hanging on the plain ivory-white walls, contrasting with the dark brown cabinets, appliances and wooden floor.

The single bed is located in the middle, and a blurred glass bathroom door at the left side, opposite the other door.

Dark gray sheer weave solar shades let some flickering lights in from outside and they illuminate the room a little, with the help of a Himalayan picket frame salt lamp placed above a narrow black table next to it.

One thing she realized after remembering what happened last night, was her hands nor feet aren't tied at all. The room doesn't look like a typical hideout and it got her even more confused than she is right now.

Her bones being weak as jellies, she had to walk on all fours just to reach the door, only to get thrown back on the floor by the person who happen to think of the same thing at the same time.

A loud thud filled the quiet room while the girl cursed in pain and frustration.

"I'm sorry, are you alright? Don't worry, you're safe now." He said as he leaned forward to help her stand, but the girl won't accept the kind gesture.

"W-who are you...?" She asked in a wary tone.

"Apologies for the late introduction. My name's Lucius and this is my bedroom."

"Okay..." She gasped for air and tried to get up on her own but it wasn't as easy as she thought. "Damn it."

"Easy..." he whispered but hesitated to hold her at first. "Can I touch you?"

She only glared at him in return. He raised his hands as a sign of defeat.

"I'm just here to help you sit back on the bed since you're supposed to rest and let the drugs wear out."

"What... are you talking about?"

"Look, you're almost taken by a scout of a human trafficking organization." He spoke seriously. "They usually inject drug to their victims for effortless transport."

He gestured a hand again and she eventually let him support her elbow. Unfortunately, she got dizzy and had to grab ahold of his neck for support.

"God you're burning." Lucius cursed under his breath as he switched from supporting, to fully carrying her body back to the bed. "The medicine I bought last night seemed to have worn off."

"You... haah... have to call an ambulance..."

"No, sorry but I already brought you to the hospital last night and realized it was a bad idea. The rest of them are watching the entrance."

"Call my dad..." she gasped and reached for the glass of water left on the bedside table.

"I can do that." It's been sitting there since they arrived and he refused to gamble on her immunity. Instead, he quickly took it away and brought her a new cup of lukewarm water.

"Wait... on second thought... never mind..."

"I agree. The drug will wear off sooner or later anyway. We can call your parents once you're back on your feet." He smiled to give her some assurance that what she's experiencing, isn't life threatening.

"Thank you..." she wearily replied after drinking almost half of it. "I... need to take a shower..."

"Be my guest." He held her hand to keep her balance in check. "Wait here. I'll get you a plastic chair to sit on."

A moment later, he returned with what he promised and placed everything she will need within her reach, including a cotton towel and newly bought white shirt.

Lucius patiently waited on his bed if something goes wrong, however, nothing came up even half an hour later. To be sure she hasn't passed out from delirium, he had to knock on the glass door.

"Hey Miss. Are you okay in there?"

No answer. He counted up to ten yet she hasn't responded. In fear of her well being, he had chosen to enter and prepared himself to get reprimanded later.

"H-hey!" He rushed to the woman lying on the white-tiled floor, regardless of the warm water prickling his back.

The woman has lost consciousness due to her high temperature. Thinking he could handle her condition without professional supervision, he ended up in this situation.

Lucius had to choose between calling a doctor or ask help from his big brother. Both have risks that he couldn't afford, yet he's left with no choice.

He turned the shower off and wiped her naked body as fast as he could. Subsequently, he was about to carry the sleeping beauty out when she suddenly wrapped her arms around his nape and muttered someone else's name.

"Viktor... please help me..."

Lucius thought she was asking for a lift. He put a knee down but she pulled him closer, causing their lips to brush against each other.

He took a deep breath to prevent himself from taking advantage of the situation, yet she voluntarily crushed his remaining self control.

To be continued~

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