Oops. Small chapter
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A week later I had decided on writing an essay of complaint to Dr Wu on why I should be able to interact with the two when they are older. However, he was right, they were growing rapidly. Now they were 9 ½ kilograms, almost doubling in size, now I could only pick one up at a time and they stood at just above my knee.
It was safe to say I needed a bigger scale.
By this time my house had also been turned into a dinosaur haven, the pillows were ruined, anything in reach had been chewed on or completely destroyed.
Annoying little buggers.
I even had a few bite-marks and scratch scars though I was still able to maintain control with a commanding voice.
I now know how my mother felt raising me and my sister. I got a headache whenever Kori and Berilo fought.
Berilo got bored very easily, he needed constant attention or else he would become destructive. Kori was a great attention source but Kori would rather watch the people in the park scurry around or find out what certain objects were for.
He had found out how to open cupboards and turn on taps by this time.
They were only 9 days old and already showing signs of distinct personality. I started video logs and because of how strong they were getting I had advised Dr Wu not to come by anymore.
Now, I had to go meet someone called Owen Grady at the raptor pens to get advice on training when it came time to train Kori and Berilo. I doubted that was possible though.
All the boys ever wanted to do was play or destroy and —in Kori's case— look at strange objects.
I arrived at the raptor pen and saw it was a big round concrete structure, I climbed a staircase and on top there was a sort of X path over it with a strong railing of course.
I saw someone clicking a small object, he wore a blue shirt and a vest. I looked down in the enclosure and saw four raptors following the guys commands.
This is the guy I'm looking for!
"Hello, are you Owen?" I approach him and he looks at me in shock and anger and I soon realise why as a series of roars erupt from the enclosure. "I'm sorry did I interrupt something?""Yes, you did," he puts the clicking object in his pocket and turns to me.
I feel a bit guilty.
"What are you here for?" He asks furrowing his brow in question. The roars die down after a while.
"I'm Caliste Wood," I say and hold out my hand to shake him.
He doesn't glance at it. "Oh, so you're the new minion they hired."
I frowned, that did not sound like he was being very nice to me, his tone filled with sarcastic joy made my skin itch slightly of both embarrassment and anger. "I'm training the Aqua-rexes..."
"So I've heard," he nods, then his tone turns more serious. "If you want advice, kid. Run," he added the last part more quietly.
My jaw dropped.
He seemed to chuckle and he walked off.
I rushed after him and stood in front of him, "I need some REAL advice."
His lips form in a slight smile as he looks down at me. "I'm sure your really passionate about your little scaly friends but I don't think you understand. They're dangerous," before I could open my mouth to come up with a retort he lifted up my arm and held it out for me to see.
I saw the bite scars and knew he had a point but I instead glared at him. "I know they're dangerous, so do you... but you still work with them!"
"But I don't jump in the paddock to cuddle them," he replies smartly.
"Pfft, obviously. You act like your alpha but you're too afraid to get close," I roll my eyes at him.
"They'd tear me apart," Owen answered, gesturing his hand to the paddock.
"Exactly," I furrow my brows angrily. "You're not truly the Alpha."
"I am the alpha," he scoffed. I was glad I was getting on his nerves, it just proved I was right.
"Right, I don't know why I came here asking you for advice," I fold my arms behind my back and strut off, proud that I was able to get Owen so frustrated.
I wanted so badly to glance back and see what he was doing but I decided I wasn't going to show any weakness or regret.
— — —
I got back and entered my dorm, the two little Aqua-rexes were waiting for me by the door and I couldn't help but smile softly down at them. Berilo made a sweet chitter sound as if to say 'where were you?'.
I closed the door behind me and knelt down to give him a chin scratch while Kori sniffed me. He must have caught a whiff of raptors or something because he let out a low growl clicking sound.
"Its okay," I coo and pull him closer to my chest.
He seems reluctant but purrs anyway and nibbles at my shirt, Berilo never did this. Kori had seemed to find comfort in gently nibbling my shirt. It was weird but I didn't mind.
Berilo nudged my hand and I gave him some more chin scratches.
They seemed to be less energetic that night and more sleepy so I fed them and curled up to sleep in my bed.
Kori had his head resting just on my ear and his body aligned next to mine. Berilo slept against my stomach. It was comforting to feel their warm scaly bodies against mine.
"I'll never let you go," I promise though tiredly. I hear Kori chitter in my ear tiredly.

Aqua (Jurassic World)
Science FictionAfter realizing the Indominus, though cool-looking is in fact a vile creation, Henry Wu hires a young dreamer to train two new hybrids to see if this will improve their behavior. Wait till she falls in love with the two and suddenly will do anythin...