Chapter Twenty One

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The sensation of being moved startles me awake. I blink open my eyes and stare at the vast garden and nature around me. It can not be described, in my loopy, and weak state, words can not begin to form to decipher the beauty the garden possesses. We are not in Kano's kingdom anymore.

Anakin holds me as I rub my eyes and lean up in his arms. I regard his tired features, tired but alive. We are damp and somehow he stills smells like fire. I smile at him and when he meets my gaze he rolls his eyes.

"We did it," I say. "We didn't die."

"Sure does feel like it when you're in the moment, huh?"

I nod. "Yeah," I take in a breath. It still hurts to breathe. Anakin's brow furrows as I wince. "I'm exhausted, grump," I mutter as I try to flee from his arms.

He stops me, pressing me closer to him. "Sleep." He demands, still his voice cold and contradicting his actions. "You need it."

A wave of nausea hits and I nod in agreement before resting my head on the crook of his neck. I have no strength to argue. The sound of his heartbeat fills my ears.

Five heartbeats pass before I am asleep once more.

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