Chapter Thirty Eight

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"My cousin?!" Knoxx figures it out, slowly, but surely.

There is a pit in my stomach knowing Blade wasn't lying to me. Those nights feels so long ago, I had my doubts but now I know for sure. He wasn't lying.

I feel so sorry for her, but it isn't my fault. I am trying to protect her. I knew it would come out but not like this.

I watch her chest shake as she sobs into Knoxx's chest. He caresses her hair.

"She's the long-lost child of the royal Goddess and her angel of death," I announce. "She was given to you, Phanes, to protect her."

Nerissa stares at me like she doesn't recognize me. Like I am a complete and utter stranger to her.

"However, Phanes, you're a hungry whore who made up an entire reality of this perfect life that never even existed. You lied to her."

Phanes shrugs, "I did protect her, I followed my end of the bargain. She's an adult, one hundred and fifty years old, today. That's all I promised."

It's her birthday.

"Evangeline said nothing about telling her who she was." Phanes picks at his nails.

    Her beautiful eyes peer up at me, with hurt. Her heart is breaking with every second. "You knew this whole time?"

    I nod and lick my lips. "Your story is legendary. They did it to protect your powers."

    "What are you talking about? Why is any of this happening."

    "Phanes over here knew that if he got you alone and gave you an heir, he'd have access to the throne. That's all he has ever wanted."

    Phanes scoffs. "I wouldn't touch that bastard-loving whore within a seventy-foot radius. I'm shocked she even wants you." He glares at Nerissa. "I raised your standards to be rather superior but your knight in shining armor over here cannot even fathom it."

    "Admit Lani isn't real."

    "Lani is and will always be a real place. Don't listen to him, Nerissa."

    "Powers? Lani isn't really real? Mate?" She looks like she is about to go absolutely and utterly insane and go to touch her.

    "It is." Phanes mutters. "It's just not what you think it is. I made you see perfection, but I can never get that down. Even in Lani, even in my paradise, nothing is perfect. It's been pisisng me off for centuries, I thought somehow with you I could make it perfect. Here's this little godling who has all these powers she has no idea about, a family she has no idea about, why wouldn't I use you? Why wouldn't I raise you to be perfect? Obviously that didn't work out, you're an utter disappointment."

    "You knew this would happen, all of it?" She yells out and gawks at me before biting down on her lip.

    "No, I didn't know this would happen. I just knew part of your story and thought I could see you again."

    "I trusted you. All of you!" She screams before sliding her back up against the stone wall, covering her face with her hands.

    "Cry me a river," Phanes hisses.

    I feel my heart ache seeing her break down like this. Every secret I hid coming to light.

My light. My temptation. My heart.

    "When will you learn boy?" He snarls at me.

    "She has a right to know that you just wanted her for the powers. She's the most powerful thing in this room and you didn't teach her to control shit!" I yell out.

    "She knows more than she thinks," Phanes answers. "I taught her enough."

    "Nerissa, look at me," I beg as I go to touch her but she pushes me away.

    "Don't!" She yells.

    I know I fucked up.

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