Chapter Twelve: Day By Day

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*Agnes' POV*

Sobbing uncontrollably, I hang my head in my hands and pray to God that he'll wake up.

I wrap my arms around myself, trying to calm down, but failing. Everything was so much to process, I didn't know if I could handle it. What would I do if I couldn't?

I shake this thought out of my head then slide my fingers through Louis'. A sigh escapes my mouth and I lay my head back against the wall.

How did all of this happen?

"Agnes?" An all too familiar Irish accent calls into the room and I instantly recognize it as Niall. "Agnes, are you okay?"

"I don't know." I murmur. He walks over, sitting next to me. He goes to take my free hand, but he stops himself and pulls his hand away. "What's wrong?"

"Are we okay?" Niall asks. "Are you mad at me?"

"I have nothing to be mad at you for, it wasn't your fault and she lied to you." I answer. "I know you wouldn't do that to Louis and I on purpose...I just can't believe Eleanor would do that, I trusted her."

"It's gonna be okay, Ag." Niall nods reassuringly. I sigh, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Why did this have to happen?" I choke out.

"I don't know..." Niall trails off. "I really wish I did."


*Louis' POV*

My eyes flutter open and are immediately met with a bright light. Am I dead? A smile creeps onto my face at the thought, but then I realize: I'm not supposed to feel pain when I'm dead, am I? My smile quickly disappears when I think of this, the bright light turning into panels on a ceiling.

There was a constant, high pitched beeping sound next to me, probably monitoring my heart rate.

I look to my left to see empty chairs, then to my right to see Niall and a pale Agnes cuddling. His arm was slung over her shoulder, tracing circles on her arm. Tears were hanging off her long eyelashes, her cheeks visibly wet.

"Agnes?" I call out, to find my voice raspy and barely audible - my lips cracked and dry. "Agnes, I need you." I go to turn to face her but two sets of hands stop me.

"Lou, stop" Niall murmurs.

"Why?" I ask.

"You're paralyzed, Louis." Agnes forces out, tears sparkling in her eyes. I go to move the blanket over my cold chest, but I find my body completely still.

"What- what happened?" I blurt.

"You tried to kill yourself." Niall frowns.

"I know, but-"

"When you went into a coma, your head hit the edge of the bed as you collapsed and it damaged the part of your brain that controls movement and feeling." Agnes explains between the hiccups of her tears.

"You lost a lot of blood and they thought you were going to die because they weren't finding any type O donors, they couldn't get someone to you quick enough anyway." Niall continues.

"I gave you all the blood they would let me, and it was just barely enough." Agnes responds.

"Am I ever gonna be able to move again?" I ask.

"The doctors said that it's possible, they need to wait to scan your brain again to see if it's even close to being developed enough to try." Niall answers.

"How long have I been out?" I ask.

"Almost a month and a half." Agnes gives me a weak smile.

"What happened with Eleanor and Brooklyn?" I ask.

"Louis, I know how much Brooklyn meant to you and I'm not gonna take her away from you.. Eleanor doesn't want her, she wants me to have her, but I want you to take care of her." Niall tells me.

"Am I able to file for a divorce?" I know I'm asking a lot of questions, but I need to know.

"As long as you have enough money, she signs, and you fill out the rest, you just need to take it to court." Agnes responds and I lay there, trying to digest all this new information. "Do you have any other questions?"

"How am I supposed to carry on?" I croak.

"Remember when you brought Brooklyn home that first day and you didn't have a clue what to do?" She asks and I go to nod, but soon realize that I can't. "This is just the same as that, we'll take it day by day."


*Agnes' POV*

"Can you feel this?" Dr. Marvin asks Louis, placing my hand on top of his familiar, large one.

"No." Louis' voice cracks as he says this and I notice the tears that are ready to overflow his eyes.

"Shh, it's okay." I hush him and use my free hand to push hair out of his face.

"It's not okay, I can't f*cking move!" Louis spits, and out come the tears. "D*mmit!" From the tense look on his face, he wants to run his fingers through his hair, so I do it for him. "How the h*ll am I supposed to do this?!"

"I'll leave you alone for a bit." Dr. Marvin proclaims then goes out of the room.

"Agnes, I can't do this, take the d*mn cannula out of my nose so I can die!" Louis sobs.

"I can't do that to you, Louis, please stop." I choke out, feeling tears heat up my face. "I can't stand seeing you like this, I'm not gonna let you go. This isn't like on that d*mn bridge, I'm not letting you slip away."

"I- I-"

"Please don't make me do this, Louis." I cry.

"I'm not going anywhere, Ag, I'll stay with you as long as you stay with me." He replies.

"I'm always going to stay with you, no matter what." I nod furiously.

"If I could, I would hug you so tight right now." He croaks and I let out a sob before throwing my arms around him.

We must have been sitting there crying for a good ten minutes until our bodies were unable to produce anymore tears. I let out a shaky breath, pulling away from him and sitting by his legs.

"JUNE, SLOW DOWN!" Niall's voice echoes down the hallway. I look over my shoulder to see my daughter come running into the room, giggling hysterically.

"Ncle' Lee!" June squeals loudly then sprints over to us.

"She can say my name?" Louis gasps.

"Ever since you got in the hospital, she has been trying hard and that's the closest she's got." I explain with a smile, lifting her onto his scarred stomach. At the same time, June frowns and Louis looks like he's about to cry again.

No matter what, whenever they saw each other, Louis would grab her little waist, lift her above his head, then bring her back down and kiss her head.

Feeling like I might cry myself, I take Louis' hands and put them on her hips. Using my small amount of strength, I help him to lift her up then swing back down. June beams, Louis kissing the same spot as always before I rest her on his chest.

She wraps her tiny arms over his chest, resting her head beneath his as her eyes flutter shut. Niall walks in just as I settle Louis' hands on her back. Within a few minutes, both of them are fast asleep, clinging onto each other for dear life.

I look over at Niall, giving him a weak smile. Day by day...

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