Chapter One: Welcome Back

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Get ready for more of your favorite! Haha

*Niall's POV* 

"Liam, I can't!" I shout, thrashing around in his strong grip while he drags me towards the house full of my fears. "Please don't make me do this!"

"Come on, you know you can, Nialler." Liam says, continuing to pull me closer and closer.

"No!" I squawk, feeling the blood rush to my face. Tears blur over my vision as he pulls me through the yard. "Liam, no! Don't make me do this! Please!"

The second he shoves me through the door, I drop to my knees and begin to sob. Memories seep from my veins whilst I cover my leaking eyes. I could feel myself shaking violently and it seemed as if my body were ready to shut down, for good...

*Louis' POV*

"I'm back." I announce quietly when I walk through the door with groceries hanging from my arms. Around now was the time all the babies were asleep so we had to be silent to avoid a three crying baby party.

"Hi." They all chorus.

"Where are Liam and Niall?" I ask, putting the bags on the counter.

"I don't know, Liam said something about going on a walk down the street." Danielle tells me. My eyes widen and I bolt out of the house, running towards Niall and Agnes' old place. I race through the door, freezing as soon as I'm inside.

"Liam, what the h*ll did you do?!" I shout while picking the blonde up off the floor.

"I thought it would help him to come in for at least a second." Liam replies with a frown.

"He can't even sleep without me yet, I have to sneak out of the house so he doesn't have a break-down when I leave, why would you think it would help?" I snap. I look down at Niall, taking his face in my hand and lifting his head up so he looks at me. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine." He mutters breathlessly. blinking at me with his red and puffy eyes.

"Ok." I sigh. "Liam, let's get out of here." He does as I say then I begin slowly making my way back with Niall leaning into my side. Maybe one day we will be able to fix him, but I think Agnes is the only one who can do that.


"Niall?" I call out into his room. He lifts his head up out of his pillow, tears streaming down his face. "Can we talk?"

"I guess." He grumbles. I walk over and sit beside him. Almost as if it were a natural reaction now, he leans over to me and plops his head onto my lap. I begin playing with his hair whilst looking down at him. "Look, I get it. I don't need you to say the words that you want to stop babying me."

"I wasn't gonna say anything like that." I respond. "Tomorrow we're gonna be heading back to the X Factor house, we're gonna be meeting up with someone and are going to stay for a long while."

"Who are we meeting up with?" Niall croaks.

"We don't know, we just know that it's important." I say. "We need to start packing because we're going to have to get going early tomorrow. Can you get up to help me?" He nods slowly and we begin throwing suitcases together for him.


*Niall's POV* 

I drag myself through the front door, breathing in the familiar scent of the X Factor house. I lean my forehead against the wall and try to keep myself from just bursting into tears again. I can't help but sink to my knees, covering my head with my hands.

My heart-rate was increasing dramatically and it was so loud that I could seem to hear it in my ears. I let my eyes flutter shut then allow my muscles to relax. Breaths slip in and out of my mouth at an unsteady pace as thoughts race through my head.

"Nialler?" Louis' voice echoes down to me. "Are you alright?"

"I-I don't kn-know." I force out, gasping for a steady breath of air.

I grab onto clumps of my hair and dig my head into the carpet. Tears begin escaping my eyes while my body kind of just collapses onto my side.

At this point, all I wanted was for this to be over. I couldn't take the pain of just being left out in the blue anymore. I want my old life back and in reality, I can't get it again. My life is pointless. Without even thinking about it, I bring my hands down to my neck.

*Agnes' POV* 

My breath catches in my lungs when I pull the keys out of the car. I glance up at the X Factor house, the place I haven't been to in ages. I can't believe I was actually doing this.

I gather up June out of her car seat and take a teep breath before walking through the door. Time seems to stop when I glance down the hallway to see everyone crowded around Niall, who had his hands wrapped around the base of his neck.

They all looked so different, so much older, so broken. What had I done to them?

I nearly drop the car seat, but put it on the carpet. As I began to run over, it seemed as if things were moving in slow-motion. I shove through the crowd of my family to drop down beside Niall, his face turning blue.

With all of my force, I rip his hands from his neck, tears streaming down my face with a coat of make-up. I cup my hands over my mouth and sob at the sight of him sprawled out over the floor.



My life support.

My husband.

The father of our daughter.

My best friend.

The person my world revolves around.

I take his face in my hands then press my lips onto his.

Life didn't seem to make much sense to me at that point. Questions in my head were along the lines of, why didn't you go to your brother first? And what if Niall has moved on? And are they going to forgive you? 

Nothing seemed to matter at that point, honestly. All I was focused on was getting my life back together again.

Sorry it's late and short! I'm kind of late on everything right now, I've been so busy with school and such. I am 100% open to any ideas you have for this book, you're only limits are no one dies hahaha. If I like it then I'll use it and dedicate the chapter to you.

Have a good day! Or night! Or whatever time it is for you!

-Melanie XOXO

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